Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are alternate careers that you can get into that doesn't require university math and a driver's license?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) November 5th, 2017

It is me looking for short cuts again. Insanely expecting different answers this time. Feel free to lie to me to make me feel better. Unless you have the perfect career for me? Humor welcome. I like writing essays and might one day write books that never sell on amazon one day. I might have to accept that I will never work again. Maybe no career is the solution?

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22 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

You could become a famous opera singer.
You could write the Great Canadian Novel.
You could take up boxing and become the next Great White Hope – if that’s still allowed.
There’s always domestic terrorism or serial killing; maybe you could Uber from victim to victim.

funkdaddy's avatar

My kids watch YouTube videos of people opening toys and talking about them. Apparently lots of other kids do the same thing.

Apparently you can make millions of dollars doing that.

I’m not saying you should open toys, but I am saying there’s something out there for you to do that doesn’t require anything you’re missing. Except maybe the decision to actually do it.

Pick anything man. People here would help you, but we can’t do it for you. Your bills are paid, your time is yours, just try something. Anything. If it’s a complete failure, what do you lose?

What do you love doing? What makes you smile when you get up in the morning? There’s probably a way to do that and make it a career, or at least a job. There’s no downside to trying.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Hey, that toy opening idea is a good one.
There have been a number of items I wasn’t certain whether I wanted to buy. I have used youtube demonstrations a few times to decide. Just recently, the dancing baby Groot I wanted. There was more than one kind, so I looked to yt to find which one would be the best match for me.
There are girls on yt with makeup or dating tips.
There are all sots of weird, wonderful, funny, beautiful things on yt that make money for people.
Maybe you could do Candid Bus Stop, and secretly film what people do while they wait for busses.
Some people get paid to do audio books. How is your speaking?
Do time lapse videos of construction projects, gardens, an other events.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Can you dance? Maybe ballet is the right thing for you.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Basket weaving
Clay pottery
Iron working is nearly a lost art
Quilting takes a while, but people pay good money for nice ones.
Pool shark
Win on a game show.
Carpet shampooing
Sell sperm
Activities director on a ship
Migrant farmhand

Zaku's avatar

Writing is a good skill: journalist, technical writer, other types of writers…

Very few careers require college math. Not all that many really require driving, either.

What would you most like to do?

tan253's avatar

um…. lots ;)

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Shortcut? Hmmm… I can suggest you to try to become a gardener (it’s a no brainer unless your client own exotic plants), pet sitter (feed them and play with your phone until the owner is back), sensational youtuber (prank channel would be prospective and a good start), fortune teller (makes people feel good about themselves), prostitute (nice bucks with a bit of risk), fast food worker (typical minimum wages but easily available), and perhaps a clown (just try to hurt yourself in a silly way for more applause).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Sales? Maybe a homemade product like an Etsy store?
Gardening and pet sitting like @Unofficial_Member member stated are great ideas.

Any service where you post signs on light poles in your area.

Muad_Dib's avatar

Get registered as an ordained minister and perform weddings, baptisms, and Extreme Unction.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Cutting meat at a slaughterhouse.

chyna's avatar

I read on Fluther a while back that someone’s relative put pizza boxes together at home. At least it would be a way to earn money.

LostInParadise's avatar

Is there any problem with learning to drive? I don’t think it would be that expensive to take a driving course. Once you learn to drive, you could work for Uber.

You could learn a trade like electrician or plumber. One good thing about these is that you would not have to worry about outsourcing.

You still have the option of getting an entry level job in sales or working in a restaurant.

stanleybmanly's avatar

diamond cutter, tugboat crewman, bicycle repair and maintenance man, fry cook

Mariah's avatar

Serious suggestion here: have you ever tried programming?

Many types of programming (e.g. web development) are not math-heavy, although all types of programming require logical thinking that is similar to the type of logical thinking you need in order to be good at math, so consider that.

Programming can be done from home, from your own computer.

Patty_Melt's avatar

How are you with electronics repair? Dvd players, stereos, even vcrs. You could have people bring them to your home, and work on them there.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The career test online said I could be a mediator.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, you should find lots of opportunities for that.
How about starting a doggie daycare, or kitty care?
Maybe you could advertise that you will care for exotic animals. There are people who have exitic pets, but find it hard to get anybody willing to care for them when they vaca.

Kardamom's avatar

President of the United States.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Did it say mediator, or moderator?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have a great example of stuff to make you money on yt.
Somebody did a toy demo, but made a little show of is. My phone doesn’t do links well, but youtube search
Tarzan ruined birthday party.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Thanks all.

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