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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you see me as a mediator?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) November 6th, 2017

A career test suggested that I be a mediator. Also how do you see me becoming a mediator?

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20 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not unless you get a law degree

elbanditoroso's avatar

No. I don’t see depth of understanding, nor do I see empathy, in anything you have written.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso What do you see me as instead? I was mildly angry with you and was hoping that your answer was a trick answer to see if I would blow up on you. Thanks for answering. I would like more detail to back up your claim. Or you can lie to me to make me feel better?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Nobody is going to lie to make you feel better, it’s not what you need. You need to set an achievable short-term goal and make it happen. I mean small like getting out and walking a couple miles two or three times a week for a month or so. Then look at getting a small part-time job that gives you work experience yet allows you to keep your assistance, even if it is volunteer work. Then perhaps getting a full-time job that allows you to get off assistance. You do that and the possibility of an education and career enter into your scope. At your age I recommend a trade school. Once you get there then we’ll talk about some of the stuff you are dreaming of. The longer you sit idle, the harder it will be to get what you want out of life.

anniereborn's avatar

No, I don’t. Sometimes you have to accept certain things in your life. And that certain things are not going to change. I have been on govt assistance for many years. There is a reason I am on it. I am not mentally healthy enough to work.

I have been to therapists and doctors and take meds. I am in my late 40s. Unless there is some miracle, a career just is not going to happen for me. I fought it for a long time. I tried for a long time. It’s just not meant to be.

This does not mean you can’t have a fulfilling life.

Zaku's avatar

Yeah. You seem intelligent and open-minded to me, and somehow I have the impression you have empathy. You seem to have imagination and to be interested in listening to people’s different viewpoints.

I’d recommend you read the short book Speak Peace In A World Of Conflict, which is an easy read that teaches a useful and relevant life skill that might give you insight into whether it seems like something you might be into.

stanleybmanly's avatar

perhaps pet sitting or dog walking. I agree that a path requiring excersise and self discipline is a damned good start.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Mediators generally help conflicting parties settle legal disputes in order to avoid going to court. So pretty much you’re going to need a law degree.

elbanditoroso's avatar


First, I don’t lie and I don’t play games.

In both this name ( @RedDeerGuy1) and your previous name I see an aimless person who finds it easier to be directionless (and mope about it), than to actually do something constructive. Think of how many times you have asked about one career or another; and how many times you have followed through on anything.

A mediator, among other things, manages a process and sees things through. I don’t see that skill with you. You would distracted or bored too easily. Or you would give it up because it was too challenging.

Sorry to be so harsh. But you asked.

flutherother's avatar

You should take a training course in arbitration. The ADR Institute of Canada run such courses. There is no reason why you couldn’t make a success of it if you have the necessary focus and determination.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I don’t know you but I have gut feeling that a lot of your questions are intended as tounge in cheek. Some of these folks don’t seem able to see through that. Just speculating here.

longgone's avatar

You have the sensitivity and empathy necessary. You’re kind to people and not quick to anger. A mediator’s position might be hard to get, but I can certainly see you in a role working closely with people and helping them get through problems.

janbb's avatar

@NomoreY_A Most of us do know him for longer than you have.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes and I’m ashamed of myself for the amount of time it took me to appreciate the mitigating circumstances.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@janbb For folks who have known the dude awhile some of you are rather harsh. Anyway, as I said, I was only speculating. If I am wrong I suspect the sun will still rise in the morning.

LostInParadise's avatar

I would think that a mediator requires expertise in whatever area they are mediating in. If you are mediating a labor contract, then shouldn’t you have a background in labor law and contract law? I can’t see anybody being a mediator without such specific knowledge.

CWOTUS's avatar

Unfortunately, I do not see you as anything that requires deep understanding, knowledge or experience, or “work” in general. You do seem to have a fair degree of patience, so you might make a good sport fisherman (really). But you don’t seem to have the initiative to actually follow through and DO things; you don’t seem to like meeting people and talking to them face-to-face, and you refuse to pursue educational courses even after you’ve expressed interest in them.

So I don’t see you as successful in any endeavor that requires those things. Sport fishing, on the other hand, does require a high degree of patience (for some species of fish and types of fishing).

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I see you ask a lot of questions on here about different jobs. I’m not sure if you are just generally curious about these jobs, or if you are looking into them. That jobs I see you questioning are very
I just saw your question about you applying for a job at mcdonalds. Honestly, if you are working a minimum wage job at this point in your life, you probably aren’t going to get anything better than that. Unless you can get scholarships or get someone else to pay for your schooling, you most likely won’t be able to go back to school. Law school is a lot of money, and take commitment and I would assume you would have to study different laws that are in place and memorize things, which to me seems like you have some trouble with.

I haven’t known you as long as some other members, I’ve only been here since the beginning of the year, these are observations based on your questions and answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all Thanks for sharing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

See if you can find a copy of this book A Job You Can Love. It’s a paperback, the local library may have it. Matches you to jobs that you can do and love.

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