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Do you find that if something, or someone, forces you to type slower you're much more likely to have typos, spelling errors, etc?
I was spelling the word “instrument” on Facebook. In the middle of it there was a glitch and it wasn’t typing in what I was typing. When it woke back up it was spelled SO wrong that spell check couldn’t even read it! I finally deleted it and quickly typed the word again with no error.
I used to have a computer illiterate boss. She was a hunt and peck kind of person. She often asked me to slow down because she couldn’t “see” that I was doing. I use a lot of short cut keys, which she didn’t approve of. She finally stood behind me and demanded that I slow down. (She had really bad breath, too!)
Unable to follow my own flow and rhythm left me kind of stumbling. This was after my surgery. She nodded silently as if to say “I knew it. I knew there was something wrong with you since you came back.”
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