How many of you guys out there hate to shave?
I put it off as long as I can stand it then I will lather up and get as close as I can, before getting after it again after 3 or 4 days.
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17 Answers
I would be annoyed if I stood at the sink and shave and then had to clean the sink and bathroom counter. So I gave that up decades ago. I shave in the shower. Easy cleanup.
I have never shaved, I have had a beard my whole adult life, I do trim it every week or so but that is it.
I haven’t shaved in 40+ years. I go to the barber shop every now and then for a trim.
I used to not care to, just something you had to do every now and then. But I recently got into double edge shaving, the old school way. It takes longer but the shave is closer, it’s almost ritualistic and enjoyable.
I hate it, I’m usually rocking heavy stubble. My wife does not like beards so that’s the only reason I shave a couple times a week. I have a field job so I’m not always around upper management so I can usually get away with not being perfectly groomed.
I’m a hairy guy. I need to shave every day or I’ll look like a terrorist. Sometimes I shave twice in a day.
I usually shave in the shower. I do a quick brush with toothpaste and let it soak. Then I .put on shampoo, then shaving cream, then I shave while the toothpaste and shampoo are working.
Then I lather up and get washed. Rinse and maybe repeat. It doesn’t take so much time. And it smells so good.
Oh, And I pee, too.
^Good grief, my head is spinning!
I also hate shaving, and for most of my life had the good fortune with whiskers that grew so slowly that I could get away with a shave a month. I could get a “shave and haircut” and go about my business. Now, that nearly everything is grey the fuzz comes back at a relentless pace, and I have to shave weekly. And worse than this, it appears that the hair in my eyebrows, nose and ears has all gone insane like aggressive weeds. So weekly policing is now mandatory.
I don’t hate it, but I don’t particularly like it. I’d rather not have to. Having a beard helps, but not entirely (e.g. if I don’t trim it, I’ll be eating my moustache), Worse is cleaning up the hairs from all over the sink area afterward.
@chyna I go in sweaty and come out sparkling! Easy! And i do it in the morning and before bed!
I hate it. I have a big beard, that I’ve had for a while. But I “shave” my head weekly. Not to the skin, but with clippers. It takes about 10 minutes. I also use the clippers above my beard. My facial hair has gotten thicker, as I have gotten older. A double razor isn’t sufficient any more, so I have to use a three blade or more. Those cost a fortune, so I rarely shave all the way.
@LuckyGuy . That “Do you pee in shower?” thread was one of my first I think… A “golden” oldie!
We have staff for that
I neither love or hate shaving just tolerate it as a necessary task that I do every 3 days or so.
I do love the end product though nowt like a face as soft as a baby’s arse.
My face looks awful with a beard, so if I could, I’d want to get laser surgery so I wouldn’t have to shave ever again.
If you find a place that does that, let me know….lol
My niece does laser hair removal , mostly for women, they get it done to their legs under arms and face.
I think they would do it for a guy but it would take a lot of visits and be rather pricey, you may want to stick to shaving.
Me. I don’t want to grow out my facial hair but I hate shaving it. It takes too much of my time. Should I just keep my mustache? I don’t even know. It’s not even much of mustache!!
I actually like shaving during the summer. My face feels cooler with a fresh shave.
I also like my first beard-revealing shave. I remove the portions in front of and above my jawline, and behind my mouth and chin. One term for the result is an iron jaw, although I also remove the part below my lip and above my chin.
As for the maintenance shaving I do while I have my beard, sometimes it’s a “strubble” to overcome my apathy. ;-p
I only wear the beard during the cooler months.
I usually delete it in May or June, and sometimes that’s more time than I want to spend applying sharp objects to my face.
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