General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Is there an official Dragon Ball Power Level list on some websites?

Asked by luigirovatti (3021points) November 9th, 2017

And will Toriyama post it after the end of Dragon Ball Super?

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4 Answers

Zaku's avatar

I’d be surprised if there weren’t a role-playing game that defines such.

[Zaku Googles “Dragon Ball Power Level RPG”... Oh, yep, there is. For example, here ]

How “official” it is beyond that game, I don’t know, but:

Book 1

Goku: 8,000
Gohan: 2,800
Piccolo: 3,400
Krillin: 1,770
Bulma: 16
Yamcha: 1,600
Tien: 1,830
Chiaotzu: 530
Yajirobe: 500
Vegeta: 7,500
Vegeta Great Ape: 75,000
Nappa: 4,500
Saibamen: 1,200
Raditz: 1,250
King Kai: 3,500
Kami: 2,000
Korin: 1,700
Master Roshi: 350
Chi-Chi: 300
Ox King: 900
Nameks: 200–300
Typical Saiyans: 400–660
Arlians: 100–250
King Yemma: 2,600
Goz & Mez: 210
Princess Snake: 900

Book 2

Goku (before Kaio-ken): 300,000
Super Saiyan Goku: 15,000,000
Krillin: 16,500
Gohan: 18,000
Vegeta: 3,600,000
Bulma: 16
Guru: 2,000
Nail: 400,000
Piccolo (After King Kai Training): 800,000
Piccolo (fused with Nail): 1,200,000
Namek Elders: 1,000
Namek Warriors: 1,000 -4,000
Dende: 10,000
Frieza (1st form): 500,000
Frieza (2nd form): 1,000,000
Frieza (3rd form): 3,000,000
Frieza (final form): 12,000,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Zarbon monster form: 46,000
Dodoria: 22,000
Cui: 20,000
Captain Ginyu: 120,000
Recoome: 60,000
Burter: 90,000
Jeice: 85,000
Guldo: 12,000
Zaacro & Raiti: 500
Bun and his gang: 10
Porunga: N/A
Dr. Brief: 12

Book 3

Gohan: 600,000
Krillin: 100,000
Piccolo: 2,000,000
Garlic Jr.: 1,500,000
Spice: 1,000,000
Salt: 400,000
Mustard: 450,000
Vinegar: 800,000
Trunks: 17,500,000
Super Saiyan Trunks: 17,500,000
Mecha Frieza: 14,000,000
King Cold: 15,000,000
Goku: 8,000,000
Super Saiyan Goku: 20,000,000
Vegeta: 8,800,000
Super Saiyan Vegeta: 22,000,000
Trunks: 7,000,000
Super Saiyan Trunks: 17,500,000
Gohan: 4,000,000
Piccolo: 20,000,000
Krillin: 600,000
Tien: 800,000
Yamcha: 600,000
Android 16: 30,000,000
Android 17: 30,000,000
Android 18: 30,000,000
Android 19: 10,000,000
Android 20 (Dr. Gero): 10,000,000

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Zaku Don’t forget the turtle. 0.0001

ragingloli's avatar

During the Saiyan Saga, Vegeta’s power level was 18000 in his base form.

Zaku's avatar

@ragingloli Does that correspond to the list above in the Book 3 section listing “Super Saiyan Vegeta: 22,000,000”?

(BTW, I know almost nothing about Dragon Ball Z, except it was on Adult Swim 10+ years ago and features excessive foreheads and excessive competitions of some sort of cinematic power.)

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