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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's a good gift idea for a 4-year-old girl?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37809points) November 13th, 2017

I’m going to the birthday party of my friends’ daughter. She’s going to be 4. It will be fun. All the usual birthday party things at a park. Fun for the kids, and fun for the adults.

What are some good gift ideas?

The girl is bright and inquisitive. I don’t spend a lot of time with her, so I don’t know her very well. She is also quiet and reserved. I gave her PlayDoh last year, and she liked it.

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16 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Leappad activity books are wonderful at that age. They are learning tiered, to suit whatever the child’s learning level might be. There are stages and lots of accessories. If you choose this route, find out first if she already has any.
Like Barbies, there is always more accessories which can be added.
They are wonderful for inspiring, or strengthening a desire to read, learn and explore.
I wish they had been invented before I was born.

janbb's avatar

The Day the Crayons Quit and its sequel “The Day the Crayons Came Home” have been a big hit with every 4–7 year old I’ve given them to.

ragingloli's avatar

Programmable pet robot.

funkdaddy's avatar

Someone gave my daughter a set of colored pencils and markers in a case (kind of like this). We’d had crayons, but to her, this was big girl stuff so it was really special to her.

I don’t think you can go wrong with something like that or coloring books.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I like to give LED flashlights. She can keep it under her covers and read a book or shine it on the ceiling and make shadows. Make sure it is easy to turn on and off.

chyna's avatar

Some really good ideas. Let us know what you decide.

seawulf575's avatar

It depends on whether you like the parents or not. If so, then get something she will like that will entertain her and give her hours of fun. If not, then get her something she will like that will entertain her and give her hours of fun…but make obnoxious sounds in the process.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Jigsaw puzzles.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Children are easily impressed with food. You can give her some assortment of natural, healthier commercial kiddie snacks.

Adagio's avatar

Books, but then I always say books : ^)

Kropotkin's avatar

A hardback copy of Das Kapital.

Kardamom's avatar

I have 4 young female cousins and 2 young female kids that belong to friends.

For each of them, either at Christmas or for their 4th or 5th birthday, I got them a purse (they have super cute, inexpensive, girly purses at the dollar stores, Walmart, Big Lots, and Target.

I shopped the dollar stores for the contents of the purses: makeup brushes (no actual makeup, that is for the parents to provide or not provide at their discretion) a hair brush, a compact mirror, a lip balm (they make cute flavored lip balms for kids) emory boards, tissue packs with cartoon characters, a box of cartoon bandaids, hair elastics, barrettes, and a small change purse with a few coins inside.

So far the purses have been big hits with the young ladies.

marinelife's avatar

For a later career in STEM: Fisher Price Think and Learn Code-a-pillar.

For a possible career in the arts: Frozen MP3 Microphone or StoryCraft The Frog Prince.

For practice as a possible pet owner: Fur Friends Pax My Poppin’ Pup

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Sidewalk chalk!

AshlynM's avatar

Ask her parents what her favorite things are at the moment. Since you don’t know her that well, don’t worry about spending alot of money on a present. Buy her something she can actually use, not something that will just get put in a box a week later.

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