Other than your spouse do you still Christmas shop for the adults in your life?
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November 25th, 2017
Our family stopped gift giving between the adults years ago and we love it.
We just get the kids gifts.
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18 Answers
I make consumables for everybody, but yes, for many fewer than I used to.
Each of the kids gets a single present as does the daughter-in-law.
I don’t even shop for my wife, and the abstinence is mutual.
I used to exchange $50 Target gift cards with my brother, but we agreed to end that meaningless poppycock this year.
I give handmade gifts to friends, but avoid the cards and shopping rigmarole
I started a tradition with my adult kids of each choosing a charity and donating to that in their honor. I get presents for my grandchildren and something like a restaurant gift certificate in addition for each son and their spouses.
I never shopped for holiday gifts for adults in my family.
In my husband’s family we give gifts if we are together on the holiday.
To my husband, some years I buy gifts some years I don’t. Mostly I don’t.
For friends it just varies. Depends who I will be seeing, if there is a special party, if I feel moved to thank someone with a gift and decide to do it for Christmas.
I’m making biscotti this year to give as small gifts to some of the people I see a lot throughout the year, but gift exchange isn’t really warranted. I also keep a stash of chocolate gelt in my purse that I randomly give to people.
Edit: I felt I should clarify my husband’s family celebrates Christmas, my family celebrates Chanukah.
My immediate family (my husband, brother, sister-in-law, mom, step-dad, and myself) draw names at Thanksgiving. We buy a gift for the person whose name we drew and the children in the family.
^^ like a lottery..All or nothing..)
Not for the adults. We stopped many years ago when we realized that each of us could just go out and buy for ourselves whatever it was we needed. And, as the years went by, it started getting harder and harder to guess what somebody else would have liked because we all moved out on our own and did not see each other that much. Our rule is to buy only for the kids until they graduate from college.
I don’t think I’m even going to do anything for the “kids” in the family anymore now that they are in their 20’s. I used to always send them money, even though all the adults got nothing if we weren’t together. The kids are adults too now I guess.
We have done the pick one name out of a hat thing in my husband’s family a few years, and I don’t like it very much, but I don’t decide these things.
@JLeslie I stopped getting the “kids” in the family, my nieces and nephews, gifts when they turned 18. It made life easier.
My sibs and I exchange gifts.
@chyna What if they’re siblings though, and one is 18 and one is 16? That’s where it was tricky for me. They were in college right after high school so I still put them in the kids category, because they weren’t earning much money. Now that one is out of college, dropped out as a junior, and one is taking more than 4 years, but still plugging away, i fugure they’re adults now.
Nobody gets me anything, so nobody gets anything from me.
All of the kids get presents. We each bring a $25 gift certificate to our extended family Xmas party, then we play games to acquire one of the cards, and more silly/fun games to trade for other people’s cards. Everybody ends up with a card. Might be the one you brought, or it might be one someone else brought. The games are fun.
I get presents for my parents and several of my friends. I bake things for my co-workers and some of my neighbors.
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