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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Could hearing voices or thoughts be caused by telepathy?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25057points) November 26th, 2017

Psychic powers that they are not trained to use? Or an attack from a telepath to a victim? Either deliberate or accidental? Humor me if you don’t believe in psychic powers.
mental illness, Schizophrenia, telepathy, psychic powers,

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20 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar


and NADA !

“Voices in your head” are just that hallucinations

MakeItSo1701's avatar

No. Those things aren’t real

elbanditoroso's avatar

The answer on Yahoo is pretty wacky too,

Ther quick answer is “no”. The longer answer is “Hell no!”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all Thanks. I would like to hear the other viewpoints as well.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Every time you lose your train of thought, it gets transferred to someone else’s mind. That’s what causes people to hear voices in their head. ~

Kardamom's avatar

The voices in your head are your own.

Zaku's avatar

Mainstream science is largely useless on the topic unless you want to hear that it’s all in your head.

Are you actually hearing voices or just asking hypothetically?

Usually voices in our heads are from our own thinking, whether conscious or subconscious. Our brains are full of remembered language and our nervous system is full of feelings that we mostly don’t listen to, some of which want to be heard, and we can perceive them as listening. They can be echoes of things part of our mind is musing on, patterns of thinking handed down from our ancestors or culturally, or things the back of our mind is thinking about. If you let go of thinking about controlling it and knowing what it is and let it happen, you may be able to hear such voices pretty easily.

People who are interested in other possibilities may offer a variety of other ways to consider and interpret voices and other intuitive information. Materialist-minded people tend to be really eager to dismiss such suggestions, but they are alternative frameworks that can be quite useful, and there’s little point in poo-poo-ing them except to make materialists feel more comfortable. Such ideas that they can be intuitive communications from spirits of some sort (somewhere, somehow), for example. Cultivating a relationship to spirit guides can be a useful practice, and doesn’t require a materialist argument or scientific study to use.

Materialists can poo poo them all day long but they’re real if you hear them, and it can be useful to listen to them and get a sense of what they’re about and what they have to offer. It is important of course to be able to sort the bad notions from the useful ones.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Is it possible? Maybe. Is it likely? Probably not.
If you hear voices that tell you to eat shit, I would ignore them, even if they come from outside of your head.
Doctors, scientists, therapists…
They all go by what they know SO FAR. They are all we have though, until something better comes along.

flutherother's avatar

While you can’t completely discount the possibility that voices in your head are sent to you telepathically this is not a likely explanation. Hearing voices is not so uncommon, I think a majority of us experience auditory hallucinations at one time or another. Usually we know the voices aren’t real but are a trick of the mind. Look for the likely explanations first. Your question put thoughts into my head from five thousand miles away but it wasn’t through telepathy it was possible through technology and the human ability to communicate which is itself quite miraculous. Favouring an unlikely explanation over an overwhelmingly likely one is not usually a good idea.

ragingloli's avatar

Sure they could.
They could also be caused by a snake-like parasite coiling around your brain stem, having plunged its mind controlling fangs directly into your brain.
Both are equally likely, but not very much so.

marinelife's avatar

Most probably not.

LostInParadise's avatar

Those who say that their voices are your own have it exactly right

Do you hear voices? If you do, what do they say?

CWOTUS's avatar

On the one hand, there are no logical methods to prove the non-existence of a thing. If telepathy, telekinesis, ESP and other such so-called supernatural phenomena do not actually exist then there is still no way can never be a way to prove that they don’t. That is to say, neither I nor anyone else can state with provable certainty that God does not exist, and that he does not live in an invisible pink teacup that sits on the other side of the Moon. Anyone can say, “That’s not true!” but no one can prove that it isn’t.

However, the other side of that coin is that if someone wants to prove that these things do exist and are real, then they have to put forth the evidence in a way that can be reliably and repeatedly demonstrated by experimentation and close observation, and those things haven’t been done yet, either. So far, the only people who have attempted those proofs have been proven to be con artists, magicians, priests and other fakers – and that fakery can be demonstrated and proven to be false.

So the evidence in favor of the supernatural is scant to nonexistent, and those phenomena cannot be proven yet (if they ever can be) – even though they can never, ever be entirely disproven, either by any human faculty which we know of. Which still doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, only that they can’t be reliably demonstrated. And the fact that the only “evidence” that has been set out has been reliably disproven; so that’s the smart money bet.

More often than not, “voices in one’s head” are cognitive, emotional, hallucinatory or false memory artefacts of one’s own mind – which can sometimes but not always be demonstrated to have a natural / physical cause.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I can prove god does not live in an invisible pink cup on the other side of the moon.
Invisible stuff can’t be pink.

ragingloli's avatar

Sure it can.

Patty_Melt's avatar


Zaku's avatar

Try thinking about it in another way:

Voices and impressions that come to mind do come to mind. You could choose to decide they are nothing and pay them no attention. Or you could pay attention to them in case they contain information that might get you to consider something from a useful perspective. The internal conscious monologues of adult human thinking tends to be pretty confined. Even if ideas that come to you are coming from your own subconscious, sometimes they can be very valuable to listen to and reflect upon, and relating to them as something spiritual may be much more practical and useful than ignoring them or dismissing them as meaningless hallucinations.

rojo's avatar

Yes, it could be. Pay no attention to the heathen unbelievers.

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