Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Would Thurston Howell III and Donald Trump get along?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) November 29th, 2017

Or would they argue about who is richer and more influential?

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5 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No, they wouldn’t for the same reason the upper crust in NY Society considers Trump a slumlord from Queens.

Trump has always wanted to be accepted by Manhattan’s power structure. He will never be accepted, and it galls him everyday.

And they wouldn’t argue, Thurston Howell III would not speak to Trump; he would tell the Skipper to inform Trump that his calendar is full.

LostInParadise's avatar

Howell belonged to a tradition that associated wealth with a kind of deportment. He would have been shocked by Trump’s vulgarity. Come to think of it, so would the rest of them.

flutherother's avatar

Not a chance, the trumped up imposter would be run off the island in short order.

filmfann's avatar

Trump wouldn’t respect Mr. Howell as long as he was still married to that old woman.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump is the clearest possible vindication of the immutable adage “class is about more than money”. You can rest assured that anyone who regards the Donald as a “class act” is either a gangster or thug regardless of whatever other calling they might erect as a “front”. This is precisely why the current President is the darling of noveau riche Russian kleptocrats. This is also the reason his appointees to key government positions would be splended choices for captains in the Capone mob. The Trump “outfit” is in fact the Corleone family minus that organization’s sophistication. So garish is the patina surrounding Trump, that “quality” people shrink in horror at the thought of any malicious slander assigning them to his social circle. The man is an affront to both taste and decency, and for those who care about such things, there can be no greater consideration than “you are known by the company you keep”.

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