Beside the sexually abused victims, are there others who suffered from the misuse of power?
Asked by
LuckyGuy (
November 30th, 2017
Imagine the H Weinstein case. He had the power, and used it, to promote women who had sex with him. What happened to the others who were more talented but refused?
Imagine the Matt Lauer or Charlie Rose situations. Any journalism student would jump at the chance to intern with them for a period. I’d be willing to bet plenty of male candidates applied for those jobs. Were they passed over because the hosts were looking for females? Were lesser candidates promoted because they complied?
How many had their career hopes dashed because of a rejection that was actually based upon their sex and not their qualifications?
Is there a way to comprehend this aspect of the abuse?
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11 Answers
Not sure but I’m sick of rapists that really do comit the crime and I have a good idea what punishment they should get.
There are more than one way to abuse power. You have emotional abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse… And I detest all kinds of abuse.
But somehow I seem to notice that sexual abuse gets more backlash than other kinds of abuse. Or is it just me?
I think if punishment were more than a slap on the hand that it might not happen as much.
I’m wondering if civil suits might be started and their personal wealth attacked. THAT would have a big effect. It would hurt much more than if the company pays the settlement.
Just as it now (theoretically) illegal for a US citizen to pay a ransom, it should be illegal for an organization to pay a fine or settlement in the case of abuse. The perpetrator shoujld be the one paying – not the company.
I know if I were a male and was turned down for a Charlie Rose interneship I would be very angry right now – angry at CR and (maybe unfairly) angry at the interns who took the bait and were promoted.
^^wait, what? “If I were a male…” ;)
@snowberry ”...and was turned down for a Charlie Rose internship…” ;-)
I have been passed over for promotions because I was a middle aged white guy…yeah, I can imagine abuse of power and unfair work place practices being in effect and can fully recognize how they impact others including those not molested.
The misuse of power, is an issue as old as our species itself. It seems that manipulation/abuse of others, is a common human trait….
^I agree, but that excuse has been used for other things as well…racism, slavery, sexism, etc. Generally the response I get when I make that observation is that I am a racist or a white supremacist or some other moniker.
^I’ve been called worse. Won’t be losing any sleep over it…
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