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zenvelo's avatar

Will you say goodbye to Jim Nabors? How do you remember Gomer Pyle?

Asked by zenvelo (39587points) November 30th, 2017

Jim Nabors, who played Gomer Pyle on TV, died today. Did you watch it when it was on, during the height of the Vietnam War?

About the only silly sit-com character quoted seriously by an American President.

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12 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

Oh no! I did not hear this. I loved Jim Nabors on Gomer Pyle, and when I was little it just amazed me how that booming singing voice could come from him.

From what I have heard, he was was loved by everyone, and Carol Burnett had an especially soft spot in her heart for him. Such a sweet man.

Zaku's avatar

I did watch some Gomer Pyle in the 1970s, though even as a kid I found it often unpleasant with the exaggerated stupidity.

Which president quoted Gomer Pyle? ... oh… LOL!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, Gooooolly.

cookieman's avatar

He was a sweet man with a surprising singing voice. I watched Gomer Pyle in 70s as well. It was silly.

ragingloli's avatar


josie's avatar

All of a sudden I realize why the DI in Full Metal Jacket called that wide load Private Pyle. I thought he was talking about hemorrhoids.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In elementary school all our dirty jokes revolved around poor Gomer.

ragingloli's avatar

he could suck a golfball through a garden hose

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

US Marine Corp – September 25, 2007

…Today we take pride in honoring a great American,” said Lt. Gen. John F. Goodman, Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific. “He truly embodies what’s best about the Marine Corps and what our Marines represent.”

…“Well, Gol-ly!” was Nabors’response after Gen. Goodman pinned on his new rank.

…Nabors’status as an Honorary Corporal was not earned easily. He has spent an entire life dedicated to the service and positive influence of others. Whether from his years as an American TV icon or a performer around the world, he has been an example of those traits the Marine Corps holds in high regard.

…“Gomer Pyle taught us that an honest person who is determined to do the right thing will always end up in the right place,” Gen. Goodman said.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Travel well Jim…

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