What is the strangest thing you've heard of that sent a woman into labor?
Even though I am overdue now this question is just for fun. I’ve been hearing some crazy things lately from family members and even strangers on how to induce labor. My husband’s grandmother swears that eating a pizza with everything on it does the trick. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve heard of causing a woman to go into labor?
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44 Answers
I finally gave in and did Castor oil with my first and swore I would never do THAT again even though it worked. My daughter now 28 just had her second child and did Castor oil too. It worked for her too!
A friend did castor oil, and it worked for her, too. Or was it cod liver oil?
I think castor, but don’t hold me to it. Also, masturbation. Both of which are second hand because I’ve never been pregnant.
I was watching the movie 1984 and that did it for me. My son was born 10 weeks premature. He’s fine now, but I don’t think he will ever watch that movie (nor I).
My mother went into labor (also early, but not by that much) when my parents were out having a nice dinner.
Today’s a good day, it’s my birthday and it’s always served me well. I wouldn’t recommend anything without medical supervision, other than walking around.
my daughter and I both did castor oil only after consulting the doctor.
Happy Birthday Seesul!
Castor oil would be a last resort thing for me even if the doctor suggested it. Really though I want/plan on letting things happen on it’s own. But I enjoy hearing stories.
DH has been really wanting to see the new Batman movie… I bet that would do it!
I have a horror story from castor oil. I won’t go into to much detail or I’ll gross you out but I was taking iron supplements and the castor oil didn’t REALLY take effect until after I had her and back then they put the side rails up on the bed and the nurses didn’t get to my room fast enough to get them down and well….. It was just awful and totally embarrassing.
Happy Birthday Seesul!
@dragonflyfaith, I hope you get some good ideas here so you can have him today! You really should go lay down for a while tho. You need to be well rested for the big event. don’t use up all your energy now. You’re going to need it soon!
@Judi, yeah see that’s why that would be a last resort! Oh terrible for you!
@scamp If our pool is open (it was closed for a new pump) I might take a dip and then go to bed early. If not, it’ll be a nice hot shower. I’m paranoid about sleeping or taking a shower during the day when I’m home alone.
Last night my husband fake tripped towards me, with a glass of soda in his hand while screaming “Oh shit!” because a coworker told him to either scare the baby out of me or pick a fight because the stress would send me into labor.
Hot compresses on the breasts (there is actually some medical basis in this…), sexual intercourse (also medical basis in this….) but who wants to have sex at that point???, and Taco Bell soft tacos (personal experience) coincidence I am sure
Hmmm…I’ve heard of playing with nipples but not the warm compresses. I wonder if that’s why the shower was intensifying them last night. Interesting.
When babydaddy gets home take a nice hot bath then!! If he doesn’t come by tomorow night, maybe I’ll get you a hotel room with a jacuzzi in it.
dragon….yes it is the same idea I think. My breasts hurt so much during my first, I was in tears. I fell asleep w/ a hot pad on my chest when my water broke…..I called my OB in tears believing I had “caused” it…..she reminded me that regardless, I was in fact a week late…..
BTW, I barfed the soft tacos in labor. Not pleasant. Not recommended.
That was one thing I was not expecting, breast pain during contractions. I did not realize you could feel the contractions there too. OW!
I’ve been fighting nausea for three days now. Just in case, I’m eating “safe” foods or at least ones that won’t be terrible to puke up later.
Off to the pool for a nice dip! Woohoo!
Back in the dark ages, all women were shaved and given enemas after they showed up at the hospital – usually in medium labor. I hated that and cannot imagine voluntarily taking castor oil.
Not so dark ages gail. they did that with me when I had dragonflyfaith. It was quite effective in “moving things along”, no pun intended.
@gail & scamp: My mom told me all about that…as if it’s not humiliating enough to give birth in a room full of people you don’t know!
@augustlan humiliating is an understatement!
Count yourself lucky: My mom went in to false labor around five times, and had to have a fourty hour actual labor having me. Eventually i got tangled up in my umbilical cord and they had to do an emergency C section (in which the doctor cut in before the anesthetic kicked in). Sorry Mom!
WOW! your poor Mom!! I kinda hope my daughter doesn’t read this tho. At least not until after she has him! Yesterday was her due date, and she’s a worn out bundle of nerves already!
But you are feeling stronger and almost finished with that fourth pack?
I haven’t finished them. I’m not smoking much now. The program has a weaning process. I’ve been so busy at work I haven’t had the time to sit down and calculate my actual quit day yet, but it will be very soon. I start the medicine tomorrow. So my quit day will probably be by Monday or Tuesday. It makes you feel really crappy for the first few days, so I decided to start it tomorrow so I won’t get sick at work. Thanks so much for asking!
When I quit, I felt no symptoms. Of course, at that point, knowing that I had breast cancer was a major distraction that I would wish on no one. And every body is different. Carry around a box of raisins. Eat one at a time, mindfully and slowly.. Gulping down a cupful is not the answer. Write to us. ♥ (I just learned how to do it and won’t repeat.)
Great idea! I once hear someone say to savor grapefruit sections in the same manner. But raisins would be much easier to take along! Thanks again (sending a written heart because I haven’t mastered the code for it as you have!)
with a Mac you don’t have to master anything.☂ My grandfather used to manufacture umbrella frames.
Oh. My. Gosh! That umbrella is adorable!
Here we go again! She’s on her way to the hospital. The pains are non stop now. The doctor told her to come in. her hubby is on his way to get her. I will let you know as I hear from them.
I just hope she stays this time and comes home with a son!!
@Scamp: Throw away the cigarette and eat a few raisins. You want to smell as delicious as Max will. (Remember that smell?)
@gail Oh yeah! It will be so nice to be able to smell things again!! They don’t have raisins here in the vending machines tho. I’ll just savor some veggie chips instead for today. It’s so hard to continue working with shaky hands!!
Thanks D!
Yippee…..I only “met” dragon just yesterday. Best of luck to her!!!
Nope… another ‘false alarm.” The doctor gave her some very strong medicine to get some sleep. She says she is very ready, (she used the word ‘ripe”) but without going into too much detail a certain thing has to progress more before she is in actual labor. Maybe tomorrow.. who knows? sigh.
@Scamp (and dragon), Surely you are joking? What a drag nuisance.
Nope! The doctor gave her a monster dose of Ambien so she could get some rest, Poor baby has been up since 1am with pain. She says the doctor told her she gave the same treatment to a similar patient yesterday and she gave birth today. The Ambien is not intended to do anything except let my weary baby girl sleep. She needs it, poor thing. She sounded so bad on the phone. I feel terrible for her.
I’m wondering if all the walking she has done over the past few days trying to bring on her labor has actually delayed it. maybe with a gllod night’s sleep, everything will relax and we’ll have some progress.
Babies usually come when they are ready. You get some sleep, also.
My son is a testament to that, gail. Better late than early. Best wishes to all of the awaitees.
@Snoopy FYI, the nipple thing really does work. Hubby helped me for that and less than 12 hours later we were holding our baby boy.
It was also with in 24 hours of the Ambien induced coma-like sleep.
At my last few check ups I realized that the doctor probing started contractions. But they went away. I had changed my due date at my 6 month check. It was originally the 19th, I changed it to the 12th. The night of the 11th I initiated sexual intercourse with my husband. Went into labor a few hours later.
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