Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have we come to a point where we depend too much on computers in our day to day lives?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) December 1st, 2017

In our work lives?
In our private lives?
If the computer goes down at work we are dead in the water, if the computer crashes in our vehicles it’s dead in the water.
Computers are amazing devices, and can do so many things.
Have we come to rely on them to much?
This isn’t about alternatives, or a bash on technology.
just a question, are we to dependent on computers in our day to day lives?

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23 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Join a monastery !
They don’t use them.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You’re mad that I asked this??^
Instead of answering you throw that at it?
I have three computers in my home, this wasn’t a bash on technology I just asked are we becoming too dependent on them?

kritiper's avatar

Yes. I just heard a report on the news about Facebook. They have developed an AI computerized system that monitors messages, looking for clues to one’s supposed suicide tendencies. Big Brother is indeed watching!

jonsblond's avatar

Yes. A fiber optic cable was accidentally cut the day before Thanksgiving during the afternoon in my area. ATM’s and electronic transactions in the area were down. One of the busiest shopping days of the year and I had to take cash out at my bank so I could shop.

MrGrimm888's avatar

We are indeed. As a species, we are probably too dependant on many things.

Jeruba's avatar

We got there a long time ago.

The computer is the biggest Trojan Horse of all time.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. I actually think we are being too dependent on technology. Aside from all the phone problems that you know and hate, I can see that people are inventing things to do things that human can easily do himself, sometimes even excel the machine they create. Who the hell needs a robot teacher, nurse, or babysitter? Can’t a human teacher or nurse or babysitter do their job? I also read somewhere about a “robot grandchild” for elderly people, and you can already guess how successful it became. And now they are trying to find a way to connect every single electronic thing to smartphones. Really? Who needs that?

And now that everything is linked to computers, the risk of error, failure, data loss and damage is much higher. Once upon a time it took big guns and lots of bold crooks to rob a bank. Now a skinny basement dweller can do that with a computer and enough knowledge of hacking. I love technology, but I think there’s a limit for everything.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes. And internal combustion engines. And telephony. And plumbing (indoor and otherwise). And so on. And so on.
When we take it all into consideration, our lives are entirely dependent on technology in general.
As frustrating as the downsides can be, the positives, in my mind, outweigh the negatives.

Medical research, diagnostics and treatments would be poor indeed without computers.
Agricultural advances in drought and flood prone regions would not have happened without computers.
And so on. And so on.

It’s a classic example of double-edged sword.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Indeed. I would be bored shitless if there were no internet. And I also enjoy strategy games on my PC, along the lines of Sid Meiers Civilization series. And if I go somewhere and forget my iPhone I’m prone to anxiety attacks. Ain’t it the best thing to ever come down the pike?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now a days most jobs would be almost impossible to do without a computer.
In our individual lives whether or not a person is too dependent on a computer is an individual’s choice. I know I can walk away from it for days at a time. But it sure makes looking for work, and good deals, and Christmas shopping a lot easier.

imrainmaker's avatar

People are buying sex robots’s the link

What can we say about this?

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’d say it could be argued that we’re too dependant on technology in general, but that ship sailed well before any of us were born.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Sex robots? Sign me up.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I’d rather have the real thing. If I had to make it with a robot I’d sooner take a vow of celibacy and join a monastery.

cookieman's avatar

Technology is a tool set. No different that mechanization.

Do we depend too much on cars? Do we depend too much of refrigerators?

Should we all still be riding horses? Should ice blocks still be delivered?

The way things are done, processes, information sharing — it evolves as do the delivery methods and methods of creation.

So yes, we come to depend on them. Too much? I don’t think so.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Computers: no, Networks: YES!!!
High level telecommunications where we set up large backbones that transport much of the traffic over fiber optics that carry big chunks of the internet is changing and getting complicated. When fiber optics break/fail it can be catastrophic if the networks are not set up right. EVERYTHING is being connected and put on these networks and it’s all being moved over to packet based Ethernet on a high transport level and away from time domain where things are very hard to hack and easy to trace, document and understand. Essentially this means that all our eggs are being placed into one basket that is getting extremely complicated, fragile and potentially hackable. Less and less people really understand it also. Things are not islanded enough where if something fails it will not affect everything else. The power grid used to be a luxury, now it’s a necessity. One big power outage and we’re fucked.

I just hope life-like, affordable sex robots hit the scene before it all comes to a catastrophic end

Darth_Algar's avatar


Why not have both?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

We depend too much on it because when it fails, we are for the most part at the mercy of someone else to get it fixed so we can continue with our lives.
Unlike the day where we could fix the problem ourselves, now don’t get me wrong like I said I have three computers in our home,spend more time on the internet than we do watch old tv.
I totally dislike having to count on someone else to fix something for me.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Darth_Algar. Just seems creepy to me doing it with a machine. I want my woman to enjoy it as much or more than I do. There probably are guys out there that would go for that but it seems like an emotionless and pointless concept for me. Now a robot that could give the winning lotto numbers, yeah. That’s technology I could cozy up to really fast.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, do they have another computer doll to clean the sex one?
Or has technology not advanced to that point?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

^^self cleaning eventually…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’ll wait till that model comes out.
After all I’m not lazy just want the convenience ,that the technology would bring.

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