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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

What's your extremely minor talent?

Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield (8648points) December 5th, 2017

For example: I can pour honey from a squeeze bottle without getting the cap dirty. My current bottle of honey is half empty, but the cap looks like it has never been used.

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

Remembering people’s birthdays.

rockfan's avatar

Memorizing tv channels.

funkdaddy's avatar

It doesn’t come up often anymore, but I’m a madman at trashball/paper toss.

I blame my carny roots.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I can make weird sounds with my voice.

Mariah's avatar

I know >50 digits of pi.

I can touch my nose with my tongue.

Kropotkin's avatar

One particularly difficult trick with casino/poker chips.

Brian1946's avatar

I can usually convert meters to feet in my head, by rounding up to a factor of 3.3,

I have no trouble initiating conversations with celebrities, although I did send Jay Leno and Oozie Oozbourne running for the exits. ;-p

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Explaining my self to adults.

flameboi's avatar

I can reference The Simpsons to any situation…

kritiper's avatar

I make THE BEST pumpkin pie!

Kardamom's avatar

Amongst my friends, I am known as the Cat Whisperer. Even cats that hiss and bite other people, tend to like me.

Zaku's avatar

@Kardamom That’s at the top of my skill list, not the bottom.
@kritiper That also seems like a pretty important skill!

kritiper's avatar

@Zaku It was through what I believe to be a mistake made by my mother, then experimented with to find out just what she did, so, no skill required. Just trial and error. No other pumpkin pie recipe I have found replicates my discovery!

Jeruba's avatar

I can transfer the leftover half-pan of lasagne to a smaller baking dish all in one piece, in one move, without losing any. I do this before putting it in the refrigerator.

There must be something else. Lots of people can make a whistle out of a blade of grass, so that doesn’t count. I do have a proofreader’s knack for spotting typos, even in very small print. May not be as useful as the lasagne trick, though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can wiggle my little toes independently of the other toes.

I can make a clicking noise with my tongue that ranges from the sound of a horse walking, to trotting, to galloping.

I can make the Vulcan sign with my hands easily.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@flameboi I can reference Monty Python in any situation!

Kardamom's avatar

^ I wave my private parts at your aunties, and your mother smells of elderberry. Ni! Ni! Ni! Bring me a shrubbery! But father, I don’t want any land. She turned me into a newt. Whaaaaaaaat is your quest? He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy! I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK. Is that a penguin on the television? Run away! This is the Castle Anthrax, it’s not a very nice name. It’s…...

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