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Am I wrong for wanting to leave New York City?
Don’t get me wrong New York City is a great city, however I have a Love Hate relationship with it. Been living here for about 23 years now and personally… I want to get out. Whenever I tell friends I am considering leaving, they look shocked. It seems like now a days NYC is for the rich. A lot of condominiums are being built in many low income neighborhoods and rent is going higher and higher.
Despite the city being highly overcrowded more and more people seem to keep moving in, making harder to find good jobs. I just feel it is time for me to experience something new and different. I’ll always be a New Yorker, but I must admit the city is a bit overrated at times. I have many friends who have moved to away to Ohio, Atlanta, Virginia, and Minnesota and are doing a lot better than when they were in New York. They don’t really miss NYC much only visit to see Family and Friends.
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