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tinyfaery's avatar

Is "Please" a question?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) December 6th, 2017

I always thought it was, but I have been reading a book that just uses a period after the single word sentence of please.

Example: Can I go out? Please. Or is it: Can I go out? Please?

This is bugging the shit out of me.

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13 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

In our general way of using the language, the word “please” is usually part of a question, but it’s not a question by itself. “May I go outside, please?” is a simple enough question for a child to ask or to understand, but in the stylized language that some lawyers are wont to use in court, the phrase “may it please the court…” while generally involving a request of some sort, is not a question.

By itself in an interrogative question (as you have presented it), it’s more of a child’s whine than a legitimate question. The simple question has already been asked: ”[May] I go out?” The added “Please?” is just a way to wheedle compliance from the gatekeeper – but it’s not a question.

Muad_Dib's avatar

In your example, there should be a question mark, as it’s an extension of the question.

In other instances, perhaps not.

“Do you like her new haircut?”
– “That lop job? Please.”

In that case, the “please” is a separate comment from the question. Thus, the full stop is appropriate.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would say it is a question. To say it with the finality that a period conveys it sounds more like a demand than a request. Like a petulant teenager being forced to say “Please.”

Patty_Melt's avatar

It is not a question.
Sometimes it is a request, with pronunciation often sounding like a question for effect.
It emphasizes the aquiescent tone of the request.

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LostInParadise's avatar

My intuition is that the one word sentence containing please is an implied extension of the preceding sentence, so if the previous sentence was a question then there should be a question mark after please. Can I go out, please? If the preceding sentence was Let me go out, then there should be a period after please.

Muad_Dib's avatar

“Please” is in the modern vernacular usually used alone, but it comes from “If it please you…”

As in, “Mom, may I please go outside?” – once upon a time might have been “If it please you, mother, may I go outside?”
So, now we get “May I go outside, mother; (if it) Please (you)?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I change my answer. It depends on the context it’s used in. You can give an order, say, to a toddler that includes the word “Please,” and it’s not a question. “Please stop throwing your Star Wars dolls in the toilet!”
So if it’s used as part of a command it’s not a question.
If it’s used as part of a question, then it is a question.

marinelife's avatar

It depends on the context that the speaker (or writer) intends to convey. Sometimes it’s a question. Sometimes it’s a plea.

tinyfaery's avatar

@marinelife A plea is not a question? Aren’t you asking for something?

marinelife's avatar

You are pleading with the person to grant your request. It is not a question.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well plea” is the root word of “please.” I think usually it is a plea, but it can be used in so many other ways, like, “Oh puuuulease. Get real!” so that it’s not always a question.

Brian1946's avatar

Please can be but isn’t always a question.

I haven’t read most of the posts here, so please excuse me if the following idea has already been expressed:

Please can also be the start of an imperative sentence. E.g., “Please move your shopping cart”.

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