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gondwanalon's avatar

Do you enjoy Indian red curry?

Asked by gondwanalon (23285points) December 8th, 2017

I tolerate regular yellow curry OK in Thai dishes. But Indian red curry rubs me the wrong way.

I smell it and and I have to fight a powerful gag response. It is absolutely revolting to me.

Other people including my wife loves it. I have to leave the area when others are eating it or silently suffer in agony.

How about you?

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12 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

*native american curry.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Green, yellow, red, I enjoy them all.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I especially love red curry. It’s one of my favorite foods.

zenvelo's avatar

Yep! Love it.

Aster's avatar

All I know about is curry with the brown “sauce” made with potatoes, stew meat, curry , garlic and tumeric. Love it with rice. He won’t eat it so I haven’t made it in thirty two years.
But I still remember! lol Used to eat it with Major Grey’s something or other; expensive.

janbb's avatar

I love Indian food; it is my favorite cuisine. I like all kinds of curries but particularly tomato based and prefer them to Thai food (but I won’t say no to Thai curries either.)

Kropotkin's avatar

What the hell is a red curry?

gondwanalon's avatar

@Kroootkin I don’t know much about it. My wife is a dietitian and eats a 99% vegetable based diet. She indicated that there is an aging process involved. She loves about anything that is hot and spicy. I’m the opposite.

They served some dishes with this spice in it once at work (a medical clinic) and everyone raved about it. I could smell a foul stench even in the laboratory where I worked. When I started to go downstairs to the lunch room, I had to do an about face. I went outside to eat my lunch.

Perhaps I’ve smelt too many nasty specimen smells over my 38 year career and my nose nerves are messed up. To me it smells something like an animal carcass that died out in a junkyard and was left to decay for a few months at a constant 80 degrees F. Then people want me to try it.

Before I taste anything it has to look good and smell good. We have a nose above our mouth so we can sniff our food to make sure it’s good before it goes into our mouth. But I can’t even get close to this so called red curry.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I did not know red curry was unusual. Google says it’s Thai, so now I get it. My experience with curry is almost entirely from Thai restaurants.

Kardamom's avatar

I love Indian food, including red curry. I like spicy foods, such as Mexican and Thai, and Indian.

Zaku's avatar

I do usually enjoy Thai red curry, in general, though Thai restaurants can vary a massive amount in what the same type of dish is like.

Kardamom's avatar

@Zaku, you are so right about the red curry being quite different at different restaurants. That is one of the reasons I like it. It’s similar, but different wherever you get it.

And now I’m craving Thai food, thank you very much : )

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