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filmfann's avatar

What should Al Franken do now?

Asked by filmfann (52538points) December 8th, 2017

He is resigning from the Senate.
Should he host an MSNBC news show?
Should he focus on books?
(Giant Pervert Of The Senate)
Should he keep under a rock, or enter the priesthood?

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18 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Golf… lots of golf

SavoirFaire's avatar

He should go away and focus on becoming the person he pretended to be.

ragingloli's avatar

Switch over to the republican party. He will be a senator again in no time.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

~He should help O.J. Simpson hunt for the real killers at the golf courses around the usa.

elbanditoroso's avatar

First, @filmfann let’s be clear – he was not a Giant Pervert of the Senate. Everything that he is being accused of happened BEFORE he was in the Senate. Let’s not muck up the argument with untruth.

I’m also not sure he is a pervert. He’s a boorish heterosexual male who did things I wouldn’t do. He’s a horn dog. Not sure where perversion starts.

That said, don’t count him out. He’s too smart and too valuable to Democratic causes to get completely out of politics. He’ll lay low for a while; maybe a year or two. But I see him coming back into politics somehow in the future. And if not as an elected position, as something in the Party.

I don’t see him going back to Saturday Night Live, although was good at what he did.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Run for President ! !
Make Minnesota Marvelous

Kardamom's avatar

Al Franken did a boorish frat boy move. He didn’t rape anyone, nor did he grab anyone by the pussy, nor did he prey on underage girls.

He’s also not an asshole, and he has been one of the best Senators we’ve ever had.

I would hope that he would somehow join forces with the #metoo movement, speak with, and learn from women who have been truly abused, and become the poster boy for doing the right thing.

He just might be the guy to help us remove Trump from office. I hoped that he would live out his life as a great Senator. Maybe he can become a better man, and more useful to us all, in another capacity.

I wish him, and us, good luck.

Jaltcoh's avatar

“Everything that he is being accused of happened BEFORE he was in the Senate.”

That isn’t true. One of the alleged incidents happened in 2010. Franken has been a Senator since 2008.

To answer the question… Franken is rich and 66 years old. He could reasonably just retire and enjoy the rest of his life, along with the occasional book and media appearance.

imrainmaker's avatar

^Don’t you think that applies to President Trump too?

CWOTUS's avatar

He should take a page from OJ’s book and dedicate the rest of his life to a “search for the real abuser”.

filmfann's avatar

@Jaltcoh Thanks for the correction.
@elbanditoroso I like Sen. Franken, and am a bit distressed by this week’s revelations. Please don’t view this question as an attack on him.

stanleybmanly's avatar

go and sin no more

jonsblond's avatar

He supported women with his vote in the Senate. This is a huge loss. The entire situation saddens me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

His options, for now, are numbered. If I were him, I’d retire to a beautiful place (not in America), and live happily ever after.

Pandora's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 LOL. I think if he’s going to golf, he should do it every day and send a picture to Trump of him golfing, everyday with the headline, as # Enjoying retirement and golfing everyday. No more stress.

gondwanalon's avatar

Start raising money for a presidential run.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Franken’s going to be just fine. The guy is smarter than hell and witty to boot. His loss is a real kick in the shin for the Democratic Congress, but don’t doubt for a minute that he won’t find some way to bedevil and torment the right. Like the flu, he’ll be back.

Cindilou's avatar

I love Al Franken. I do not believe his intent was to take advantage of someone or show disrespect to women. I believe some of what he did was in poor taste, was not received well and backfired on him. He is a comedian! They often go over the edge for reactions. That is what he is guilty of doing. Think of other comedians. Don’t many of them say things or do things that are questionable? They like to shock people. I do not believe he had a fair hearing. I am angry at the women in the US Senate that did not allow him a fair hearing, and who pushed him out. Let me say so angry that I would not support them for President in the future. Every person has something they have done that is not necessarily good. Anyone that says they have not is not being truthful.

I want Senator Franken to run again or to serve in a Democratic cabinet where his intelligence and humor can be used to help our country solve complex problems. Senator Franken – Move to Colorado if Minnesota does not want you!

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