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Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Any other Doctor Who fans here awaiting the new Doctor?

Asked by Call_Me_Jay (14058points) December 10th, 2017

Anybody else excited for the regeneration?

I just discovered the Doctor about a year ago and have been pacing my binging, watching it on Amazon video. I’m on episode 8 of 12 in the last season, careful of spoilers, please!

I’ll run out of new episodes just before the December 27th 2017 (in the US) Christmas special. I’m going to a theatre to see it, since I don’t have cable TV.

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7 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I am a couple of seasons behind, but I’m excited to take it up again soon. I’m really looking forward to the new Doctor!

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I’ll do my best to not spoil anything, but if you ever want a pal to chat about DW with, I’m your gal! I’ve been watching since Eccelston and the return of Doctor Who in the 21st Century.
By jove I cannot wait for the new season; I think my brother has already booked us all tickets to go watch the Christmas Special at the cinema!
I got a bit (a lot) frustrated with all the backlash against a female doctor, and honestly, the hatred made me feel a little worthless because I saw how many people didn’t value women; but with the hatred I also saw love, and that support for Jodie did make me feel a lot more optimistic. It’s strange for me though, I’ve always wanted to be on Doctor Who (actual childhood life dream that’s still a dream), and before Jodie came along, I was depressingly resigned to the fact that, “hey, I can’t be the Doctor because he’s male, but I can be a companion”. With Jodie, I’ve actually realise that there is such a real possibility of being the Doctor, and honestly, that’s amazing to me.
(I am so sorry for my rambling and I haven’t bothered to check what I’ve written so it’s probably incomprehensible)

Lightlyseared's avatar

Not really. The last couple of seasons haven’t been that great.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Wait, dumb question on my part. Holy moly, I loved the show.

But the Christmas special was all about the old Doctors. It was magnificent Peter Capaldi’s last hurrah!

The new Doctor appeared for about 10 seconds. It will be MONTHS and MONTHS before we get to see her in action.

Crap. I have no new Who to watch.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I’m just going to revisit this question that I saw on my follow list.
Isn’t she amazing?!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I am enjoying it. It’s clever, thinking Doctor. As opposed to exploding planets and invading hordes of machines.

The 4th episode tonight had a weird, wrong ending though. Mr. Big shot the spider, lots of commercials, and then everyone was home. There had to be a last-minute change, chopping out several minutes of story. Very un-Who production standards.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I completely agree! There was definitely a bit of a funny ending to an otherwise amazing episode.

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