Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

What is your opinion, of a world leader discrediting, or firing all the people who investigate their potential crimes?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) December 15th, 2017

As asked.

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6 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

At first I thought you might be referring to your President, but that “world leader” thing eliminates that possibility. In any event, it’s a predictable reflex.

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s concerning as it’s the hallmark of dictators throughout human history. It’s positively Putinesque.

Yellowdog's avatar

There is no evidence of crimes— and Trump is not leading the discrediting. Have you seen or head the leaked emails?

The only crimes that have been uncovered are that Obama used the FBI and DOJ as weapons against a rival party—there was illegal survailance and illegally obtained FISA warrants. The only Russia collusion was a dossier bought and paid for by Hillary—Russia Collusion to influence an election.

This is an effort to search for crimes where the premise for the search is known to be false. The dossier was a Russian lie, bought and paid for by Hillary.

It is beyond hypocrisy to goad the nation and the culture of that nation to believe your opposition is doing things you yourself are guilty of.

This won’t be swept under the rug this time. People WILL go to prison. Trump is too busy running the country to be leading the “discrediting”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^“Trump is too busy running the country to be leading the discrediting.” LMFAO!!!!!

Trump spends a large amount of time at his rallies, spitting these pathetic lies, from his own mouth

The rest comes straight from his Twitter ramblings.

He is THE tip of the discrediting spear…

Oh yeah. Nobody’s mentioned Hillary, for NO reason yet. Thanks…

flutherother's avatar

Any leader who discredits or fires people investigating their crimes has no place in a country that is democratic. Any leader who runs down his own country’s intelligence services, legal system and free media is a dangerous buffoon. (not mentioning any names.)

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