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jonsblond's avatar

Have you had hot chocolate with cheese?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) December 15th, 2017

How did I just learn about this?

Colombians are genius! I could live off of this.

Is it good?

If I want to try this and my best option is Hy-Vee for the ingredients, which hot chocolate and cheese should I buy?

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4 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

That sounds like a great idea. I’ll try it next time with a mild cheddar.

I like eating apple pie with some sharp cheddar. Some people think that’s weird.

flameboi's avatar

Yes, it is also traditional here in Ecuador, although we use a different type of chocolate, much stronger, for it. It is so decadent and delicious…

Go to you local latino food grocery store (or the latino aisle at walmart/target) and get abuelita chocolate tablets, tablets is better, way better because it will have a much richer taste. Use whole milk. Put the milk to boil and add the tablet until it melts (you have to stir constantly, otherwise the chocolate will settle and burn in the bottom of you pot.

Try to get Frying Cheese (queso de freir) or Fresh Cheese (queso fresco), if not available, mozzarella sticks will work. The idea is that the cheese will get chewy so you can have bites of it while you drink your hot chocolate.

jonsblond's avatar

It sounds heavenly. Thank you!

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