(NSFW) Would you care to swear? (Details.)
There is a lot of tension built-up, these days. I’d like to create this thread, so we can vent (in a fun way.)
1.Say something about something, that’s bothering you.
Or respond to a previous jelly’s post.
2.You must use as many swear words, as possible. (Please keep it fun. NO REAL ARGUMENTS.
I’m hoping that the mods, will give us a long leash. If not, that’s fine too. I’ll abide by the rules…
Let out your frustrations, in a therapeutic, R-rated lash.
As the OP, I won’t be offended by much. Let’s have fun, and let loose!
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31 Answers
Example. It’s mother fucking cold, as horse shit out fucking side… ;)
Well shit… that’s a great fucking idea, you beautiful bastard!
Dillon, you son of a bitch!
The FUCKING “moderate” Republicans in the Senate have no spine and have announced today that they’re going to support the FUCKING tax bill (Corker, Rubio, Collins). There’s pretty much no hope of it getting voted down now.
This bill will take health insurance away from 13 million, and because studies have shown that for every 830 uninsured, one additional person per year dies, this means that it will carry a death toll of 16 thousand per year.
For scale, 9/11 killed about 3 thousand people, so this tax bill is basically 5 annual 9/11’s inflicted upon us by our own government. Isis has killed about 1,400 people ever, so this tax bill will kill 11 times more people per year than Isis has ever killed. And yet we’re supposed to believe that terrorism by foreigners is somehow the biggest threat to our safety.
FUCK our FUCKING government.
Sorry for bringing politics into your thread. But this is genuinely the more upsetting thing I’m grappling with in my life right now.
Smurf smurf smurfitie smurf smurf. My smurfing surface 3 cord broke and it will cost $90 to replace. Not getting it replaced anytime soon.
@Mariah . You did fine. You should/could have cursed more…
@SavoirFaire . You got it perfect!
Unnecessary vulgarity…
My mother says if I swear I’ll go to hell
But I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I am going to ram it into your stomach, and break your goddamned spine! Argh!
This is definitely considered a first world problem but this still annoys me:
The assholes who purposefully spoil movies on the internet should go fuck themselves. They’re a bunch of goddamn lowlife trolls who need to get laid.
^Fuck yeah . I’m always trying not to hear about The Walking Dead. I have to binge watch each season. Assholes talk too much about it. Some, after I fucking told them, I have not seen past certain episodes. INFUCKINGFURIATING.
A friend of mine has said that at least 3 of his friend have spoiled Star Wars on their Facebook statuses. I really don’t understand that. This may sound extreme, but it comes across as sociopathy to me
@SergeantQueen Better keep your fucking mouth shut, then. Being damned sounds shitty.
Also, this is probably my all-time favorite use of gratuitous swearing.
^Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about.
^YES. Pacino gets it! Fuck Kevin Spacey…
“I have had it with this motherfucking bat on this motherfucking toilet.”
That was me yesterday when we came home from lunch with my father to find a bat hiding from our cat behind the toilet. We have one toilet in this motherfucking house!
^I fucking love bats! We have really cute, little bats here though. They’re about the only thing that isn’t a dangerous animal, in this primordial damn swamp I call home. It’s a god damned jungle out there…
Having said that, I wouldn’t want any animals in my bathroom.
^ They are cute fucks, I just don’t want them loitering near the shitter.
Fucking fuck. Norovirus is going through our house. I was up with our son all night Saturday helping him, now I have the cocksucking virus. I was up every fucking hour last night on the toilet, tmi, now I’m weak and have a fever. I just want to sleep and I should be making goodies for Christmas. This week is going to be rushed. ugh. At least the goddamn bats were gone. Blerg
Oh yeah, and a big fuck you to the fucking bigots out there.
FUCK this tax reform shit too. Merry fucking Christmas…
Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We’re all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We’re gonna press on, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.
^Christmas Vacation right?
Das war ein Befehl! Der Angriff Steiners war ein Befehl!
Wer sind Sie, dass Sie es wagen, sich meinen Befehlen zu widersetzen?
So weit ist es also gekommen…
Das Militär hat mich belogen! Jeder hat mich belogen, sogar die SS!
Die gesamte Generalität ist nichts weiter als ein Haufen niederträchtiger, treuloser Feiglinge!
Nichts als Feiglinge! Verräter! Versager!
Die Generalität ist das Geschmeiß des deutschen Volkes! Sie ist ohne Ehre! Sie nennen sich Generale, weil Sie Jahre auf Militärakademien zugebracht haben, nur um zu lernen, wie man Messer und Gabel hält!
Jahrelang hat das Militär meine Aktionen nur behindert!
Es hat mir jeden nur erdenklichen Widerstand in den Weg gelegt!
Ich hätte gut daran getan, vor Jahren alle höheren Offiziere liquidieren zu lassen, wie Stalin!
Ich war nie auf einer Akademie. Und doch habe ich allein, allein auf mich gestellt, ganz Europa erobert!
Verräter. Von allem Anfang an bin ich nur verraten und betrogen worden!
Es wurde ein ungeheurer Verrat geübt am deutschen Volke.
Aber alle diese Verräter werden bezahlen.
Mit ihrem eigenen Blut werden sie zahlen.
Sie werden ersaufen in ihrem eigenen Blut!
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