Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The world is still full of censorship, what kinds of censorship do you agree with?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) December 21st, 2017

And what kind do you totally disagree with?

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5 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

From the internet, to what the Government tells us.
Myself I do think underage children should be limited to what they have access to ,but adults should be able to make their own minds up, or do you think others should tell adults what they can see, read, or write?

stanleybmanly's avatar

I just LOVE ❤️ the censorship we experience here.

ragingloli's avatar

I am fine with banning the Drumpling from social media.

josie's avatar

If people and clubs and private organizations want to censor, that is their business.
Government censorship is bad.

rojo's avatar

I agree with @josie. If you don’t like the way someone or some organization is you can always walk away from it. Although, I will say that this net neutrality fight is about censorship and I disagree with it completely. Being able to control or limit or eliminate something that someone wants to read, see or say like the big telecom companies were just given the right to do is outright censorship and is why the internet should be considered a public utility.

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