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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is it stressful when people tell you exactly what to get for a Christmas present?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 22nd, 2017

I hate looking for specific things because I can never find them. It’s so much easier to just wander through a store until something you think they’d like catches your eye.

My daughter has asked me to get a play “kitchen” for the twins. She’s bought all of the stuff for it, fake food and dishes and stuff. She just doesn’t have the actual kitchen. I have no idea how much that might cost, or if I can afford it or where to go find one….

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17 Answers

chyna's avatar

Um, @Dutchess_III , it is pretty late in the game. You only have two more days. You could have looked on Amazon and had it delivered to your door, but it’s probably too late now. There’s probably not much of a selection left in stores now.
I like someone to tell me exactly what they want so I can get them exactly what they want.
Especially for kids since I don’t have any and would have no idea what they would want.
Get shopping @Dutchess_III !!

canidmajor's avatar

In a case like this, it’s only stressful if they tell you at the last minute.
Check children’s consignment stores and Goodwill (or equivalent) places. They might have such things that are in pretty good shape.
Look up “kitchen playsets” on the Target or Walmart or whatever sites.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She didn’t tell me until yesterday @chyna. And we really didn’t have the money to shop…until late yesterday.

janbb's avatar

A play kitchen is a pretty standard item. The problem seems to be more cash flow and communication.

chyna's avatar

@dutchess Ack! Good luck!

canidmajor's avatar

Aaaaaand…you’re welcome, @Dutchess_III.

Or you can just tell her that there wasn’t enough notice.

imrainmaker's avatar

Can’t you just buy what you want to give the kids instead?~

NomoreY_A's avatar

Try ToysRUs or WallMart

ragingloli's avatar

Can they not just use the actual kitchen?
Then they can make real food.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I found a little one at WalMart for about $20. I sent her a pic. She said it was too small. I guess I don’t really know what she has in mind.

I just got other things for them. The kitchen can wait!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t think it’s stressful. I find not knowing what to give more stressful.
Do you have Amazon Prime? If so, you can have it at your house tomorrow.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Too small? Like as in the kids are too big to play with it or she doesn’t want them to be disappointed?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know what she has in mind. She bought all kinds of accessories to go with whatever kitchen deal she has in mind. They’ll be 5 next month.

Amazon F’d up my credit so I cancelled Prime until they can get it fixed, in about 30 days. After Christmas, in other words.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Damn. Well, ToysRus is a good start, as @NomoreY_A suggested. Are there any malls near you?

Dutchess_III's avatar

50 miles away….I’m not going to bust my ass to get something she asked for at the last screaming minute! I can’t afford to spend more than about $20 per person anyway, and I have a feeling that the kitchen thing busts my budget.
But I will keep my eye on the county / city buy/sell/trade sites for one.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah, looking on Amazon, most are $38 to $170.
Kinda of a bit inconsiderate to ask so last minute (no offense to your daughter). The kids can deal. Plus, if Bday is in a month, they’ll get it then maybe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s all good.

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