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rebbel's avatar

From 1 to 10: How was your 2017?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 23rd, 2017

How was your 2017?
Care to rate it? Let us use the 1 to 10 scale, please.
You don’t (obviously) have to divulge the reasons why you scored it a certain number.
Disasters and/or fortune could possibly alter it, but I would like to give 2017 a 6 minus.

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28 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

The year is not over yet. The world might still be consumed in apocalyptic fire.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think I’ll go with a 6.

chyna's avatar

I’ll go with a 1.

rockfan's avatar


This year I’ve come closer to overcoming social anxiety and depression, I’ve had the most social interaction in years. But ultimately, my OCD has made it tough for me to hold a job.

flameboi's avatar

0 (sorry, 1 is a bit too much in my case).

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Gravely-ill mother transitioned to hospice care (May).
Husband totaled his car (June).
Home lost in a two-alarm fire (August).

On a scale of 1-to-10, this one’s down there in the lower numbers. I’m looking forward to the end of 2017.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

5 finally out of non student loans debt.

cookieman's avatar

Personally, this year was a roller coaster.

My job closed (booo)...but I got a nice severance package (yaay). I was unemployed (booo)...but I got a new job last minute (yaay). But they lied to me, a lot (booo)...but I found yet another job (yaay).

And hats just on the job front. Same deal at home, with my health, family. Up, down, up, down.

Not to mention the shared stress of the state of the world. Ugh.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

On the low side of 5,lost the mother inlaw.
Had a bout of shingles(sucked big time)
Was evacuated from our town in July due to a huge forest fire.
Our local golf course closed.
So gee looking forward to 2018 maybe Trump will nuke us all.

janbb's avatar

I’d give it a 4; the last six months have been pretty bad. And you know, that Trump thing.

josie's avatar

My last contract job in the asshole of the planet Earth

anniereborn's avatar

It started out a solid 8 and rolled down the hill to a shaky 4

anniereborn's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m so sorry to hear all that. How is that 5? Sounds like a 3 at the most.

@Love My Doggie I’m really sorry to hear about your troubles as well. My mom is in hospice too, and my sister is gravely ill.

Frankly 2018 scares me

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The only thing that brings it to a 5 @anniereborn was there was no damage to our property when we were allowed to return, I am over the shingles and lived, the mother in law was in her late eighties and in very frail health.
And we hope the golf course will reopen in 2018 under new management.

kritiper's avatar

1 being the worst and 10 the best? 7.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I guess I’d say 2. I’m killing myself, just to get that low score. I think 2018 will be better.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Meh..too many ups and downs to really care one way or another. About like any other year. If. I had enough money to really enjoy being retired I could go with a 8 or 9 I suppose.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

10 :) I have the best boyfriend ever

rebbel's avatar

Well, well, well…., that is saddening to read.
I’m sorry that for most of you it was a bad year as well.
This was my third successive less well year (be it that this one was slightly upwards) and I truly hope that in a year’s time I will rate 2018 an eight.
I sincerely hope that for you guys, who suffered losses, been sick, experienced disasters, and other drama’s, that your next year will be better, preferably good.
And thanks for taking the time to answer.

Mariah's avatar

It’s not in my top three worst years of my life but it was pretty shit. Spent the first several months utterly fucked because of a recent surgery and the rest of it pleading Congress for my life on a near-weekly basis. I’ve had better, that’s for sure.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I will pray that all of our 2018’s are much, much better. :(

jonsblond's avatar

It’s been the most difficult year of my life. Watching my mother suffer for ten months in 2013 after a ruptured brain aneurysm was the toughest until now.

I honestly don’t know how to rate this year. Maybe a 5? It’s been the hardest but the life lessons I’ve learned are priceless.

gondwanalon's avatar

Well you asked for it.

2017 has been a 10 for me from the start.

I’m retired and have many retired buddies that like Hawaiian outrigger canoe racing. We train together and race against each other and also race with each other on the same team in many long distance races around the world (including Australia, Canada and 4 times in Hawaii).

Add up all the miles of training and racing canoes so far (2,650 miles) and it’s more than enough to paddle from Seattle to Hilo Hawaii or from San Francisco to Kahului Maui or from Tahit to Kona Hawaii.

Also how about that stock market!? My investments are making far more money than I made while working full time in a hospital laboratory. Sweet!

Also I’m enjoying excellent health, great marriage and 2 loving cats.

Looking forward to a challenging and fun 2018.

filmfann's avatar

I would give it a 4, but I am very hopeful and positive about the year ahead!

syz's avatar

Probably a 4. The good parts are that I have become motivated to become politically active. Also, I’m employed – if at a third of my previous pay (which was not that high).

flutherother's avatar

For me personally I would give it an 8 plus. For the world as a whole a 3 minus.

syz's avatar

(Forgot to add that I managed to end my year with a broken bone in my foot. Phaugh.)

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