Social Question
Have you ever known anyone, who was like Ebenezer Scrooge, or The Grinch, who had an epiphany and changed his or her way of thinking and acting?
Asked by Kardamom (33565)
December 24th, 2017
I love the stories of A Christmas Carol, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, which are very similar in that the main characters were bitter, selfish beings, who had no use for other people or kindness, or empathy, but then by some twist of fate they ended up “seeing the light” as it were, and then they were changed. They became caring, compassionate beings over night.
Have you ever known (or been one of those people) anyone who was very bitter and/or lacked compassion and empathy for other people, who after some type of an ephiphany, completely changed their outlook on life?
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