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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Did Trump cut the united nations budget by $265 million?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25141points) December 25th, 2017

What do you think of it? Is it retaliation for the Jerusliam capital vote?

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7 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, it’s more complex than that.

Trump cut the US’s contribution the UN by that amount. The full budget of the UN is far far greater than the $265 million in question here. The full UN Budget is in the neighborhood of $5.4 billion, of which the US paid roughly 22% based on the size of the US economy.

There have been criticisms for 15–20 years that the UN budget was bloated and uncontrolled. These criticisms go back to Reagan and before. And there have been complains for years that the US’s percentage was far out of proportion when compared to other economies and countries. read this

All of this is a long way of saying that this particular US move was coming for decades; Yes, Trump is making political hay out of it, but the US support for the UN was at crazy levels for years. Eventually the reckoning was going to come.

No! – it has practically nothing to do with the Jerusalem vote.

Given the antipathy towards the US from other members, and the minimal effectiveness of the UN since its founding, one could argue that US interests are not well served by membership in the UN.

flutherother's avatar

@elbanditoroso The UN doesn’t exist to serve any one country’s interests, it aims to reflect the interests of all countries and come to a consensus on which everyone can agree. A difficult aspiration for sure but a worthwhile one.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I read $285b… They mentioned more cuts in the future.

It’s a new low, for an already pathetic administration. It deals yet another blow, to our diplomatic relationship with the world. At this point, the world should see that they are moving into the future without the US. We are essentially a rogue nation now, controlled by Bond villians…

Every day, I grow more ashamed of my country. This was a doozy… Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic…..

si3tech's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 IMHO I think it’s been a long time coming and could not happen too soon. Very good business solution. The law of logical consequences.

janbb's avatar

It will take a long time for the country to recover from the damage that this administration has caused, if ever.

rojo's avatar

@flutherother and not one that will ever come to fruition as long as a handful of members can individually and without consequence veto the consensus votes of all the other members.

BellaB's avatar

I hope the UN sees this as a great opportunity to move to a country that would get more benefit to their economy from hosting it. It has always seemed odd to me that the UN is in the US. The US doesn’t need the money from the other countries.

I’d recommend someplace in southeast Asia.

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