Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think it's OK to throw food out your car window, sans the paper, or the cup, just the food?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47154points) December 31st, 2017

I do, as long as it’s not rudely in someone’s yard, or even on the street. It’s not like I eat while I’m driving so it’s not even a question for me, but we often get Sunday morning breakfast from McDonald’s and take it to the fairgrounds and eat it over looking the river. I never eat all mine, so I toss it for the animals to find.

Same when we’re camping. If it’s food I find a spot 100 feet from the camper and pile it there.
I am insane about actual litter though. I have a trash-trash can and a recycle-can for when we camp. I’m crazy about picking up the crap past campers have left. Plastic water bottles out number them all. They wind up in my recycle can along with beer bottles.
Then you’ve got broken glass and all kinds of shit. Makes me crazy.

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19 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

No – it’s tacky. And if you’re doing it for the sake of the animals, keep in mind that they may get run over by another vehicle while dining on your burger. Eating @Dutchess_III‘s food may kill you.

And then there’s the general feeling that human food is not particularly healthy for animals, and it makes them lose their ability to hunt and forage in the wild.

Now, I pour out my ice/coffee/coke onto the road all the time. But I figure it evaporates.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Food biodegradable. Unlike paper plastics etc. No big deal.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso I specified “not on the street.” The examples I gave were more wild life areas than car areas.

YARNLADY's avatar

I believe most human food, especially take out is loaded with sugar and bad for them. Plus animals return looking for more free food, which is not safe. Our park has installed a seed feeder to discourage people from giving the birds bread.

zenvelo's avatar

McDonalds is not biodegradable. Quit trashing the environment, pick up your garbage.

Zaku's avatar

It sort of depends on the food and how much. As @zenvelo just wrote, McD and several other industrial foods aren’t considered food by many creatures.

Some other (actual) foods are, particularly things like seeds and nuts and many pieces of fruit.

It also depends where you’re dropping it, of course.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@Zenvelo….that notion that McDs is not biodegradable is pure bunk and you know it! It’s beef, it’s potatoes, it’s bread, it’s whatever.

When I’m camping I off load all the food a ways from the site. Egg shells, rib bones, whatever. It safer than them than digging in the trash for it too.

zenvelo's avatar

Sorry, @Dutchess_lll, you are trying to rationalize and justify spreading garbage around.

kritiper's avatar

I wouldn’t do it in town…

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not rationalizing! McDonalds is simply food. The idea that it’s not biodegradable started with some silly conspiracy theorist trying to bolster his bologna agenda that fast food is somehow bad for people, and it’s not. Here is some Science for you regarding the issue.

And why do they always pick on McDonalds? Why not Wendy’s or Burger King or Taco Tico?

I wouldn’t do it it town either, @kritiper. Except in my own back yard. Which happens to be in town. And it’s mostly my own dogs who get the food.

One fall I threw some mostly-eaten corn on the cob in the yard, and the following spring we had corn plants! It was cool.

Dutchess_III's avatar

One year I threw a Halloween pumpkin in the yard and the next spring pumpkin plants started growing! It was cool.

NomoreY_A's avatar

We did the same thing accidentally. Spilled some pumpkin seeds in our planter when we tossed our Haloween pumpkin year before last. They actually sprouted and the grandkids were thrilled beyond words. But they’re right about MickyDs. Elvis told me sbout that when he landed his UFO in my yard last week.

kritiper's avatar

I should have said “I wouldn’t do it in town while driving down the street in front of my neighbor’s house.”

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III Here is a letter from yesterday’s Dear Abby on why throwing out “food” for wildlife is bad for the animals.

(and there is a link to an earlier letter about throwing put an apple core).

Dutchess_III's avatar

We went camping over Thanksgiving. When we got ready to head home Rick and I agreed to meet at the fairgrounds so he could dump the black water. He didn’t need me, it was just something to do. He took one grandkid in the truck hauling the camper, I took the other in the Jetta.
I got to the fairgrounds long before he did so I had some time to waste. My granddaughter and I were examining the dump site to see what there was to see. Suddenly I realized something was rustling around in the trash can just a foot away. I slowly, cautiously peered into the trash…and there was a beautiful, long haired, orange and white cat working and working to get something open. She looked like a creamsicle. I cautiously put my hand in to pet her and she was friendly enough, so I lifted her out. She was so thin, obviously starving. When Rick got there with the camper I pulled out all the left over meat we had out of the fridge and stacked it up by one of the barns. It was a lot of meat, too. Ham, bacon, turkey.

@zenvelo per your article, I don’t throw food out the car window on any streets. Again, I only put it in places where wildlife is abundant and cars are almost non existent, like at campsites and along the river, out in the country and in my own back yard. They’re going to get to the food no matter what it takes. I could dump it in the trash but then they might be in the can trying to dig for it when the dump trucks come along.
I don’t know about where you live, but feral cats are abundant around all the fast food places in town here.

Life is just dangerous, period.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I don’t think so. It’s still an object, projectile and according to the law, littering. I like the mind set of leaving things as you found them, with no trace of your visit/ passing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

HEY GIRL!!! Yesterday I was going to harass you to come visit and here you are!

I agree. You shouldn’t throw anything out of a moving car.

I just dumped what was left of some stale Cheerios in my back yard though.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Maybe it’ll grow in to a Cheerio tree…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Huh, what a coincidence! I have a little mental block for this site, since Adirondack’s passing. I’m going to try. And yes, outside of a moving vehicle, I don’t see a problem..haha

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