Do you have snow where you live?
We got some snow last night, just enough to make for dangerous driving conditions. There was a wreck being cleared up when I stopped for gas.
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Funny how I loved it when I was a kid, snowball fights and building a snowman in the yard were nuts to me. As an adult it’s always been, noooooo! I hate driving in this shit! Fortunately it’s pretty rare where I live. First snow I’ve seen in 9 or 10 years.
We had some a couple of days ago but it has now all melted.
It’s melting here right now. But temps are barely up to 28F.
We had no snow all November and December. Things do not look promising for January, either.
I still remember the metre long icicles decades past.
I grew up in NE Ohio and had snow every year. And lots of it. I have since moved south and have only seen snow a couple time in 7 years. And that was just a dusting or an ice storm. The funniest part is that they close schools around here for a forecast of snow. That still boggles my mind. Growing up, school cancellations were always a game time decision, not decided 3 days in advance.
@seawulf575 – I heard that, it’s the same way here in Central Tx. Get a bit of snow or ice and civilization comes to a halt.
Oh god yes, you want it?
And I drive for a living so snow really sucks for me.
Not only no but hell no. Lol
Yes. We have about 4 inches on the ground and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. The brutal cold is here to stay in Illinois.
We have known to get a light dusting of snow every few years, but it melts right away. Nothing this year.
I woke up to a winter wonderland a few days ago, and now it’s all melted.
Never known what snow is.
It’s supposed to ,maybe, snow here tomorrow. That’s going to be crazy. It actually snowed a few times in the past 15 years here. But it’s crazy seeing frozen tropical plants, and marshes.
The crazy part @MrGrimm888 getting snow where people are not used to it, driving must be insane.
There’s about 18 inches, 50 cm, on the ground. Cold and blowing with no chance of melting for at least 2 weeks.
Thank goodness I have my Troy-Bilt Storm 3090XP snow blower to clear the driveway!
@LuckyGuy – with almost 2 feet of that crap I surely hope you have a snow blower lol. Cheese I can’t even imagine that…
^ Yes, I have a snow blower. It’s a 400+ pound, 14 hp, walk behind. It even has heated hand grips! They are very nice.
Or you could move to Oregon. No snow yet and we don’t have sales tax.
Or Somalia. Snow never and no taxes at all!
And free Black Hawk helicopter parts!
And the Mad Mullah of Somaliland.
But think of all the free brass from all the spent shell casings for reloading.
@SQUEEKY2 . The people around here can’t drive in any weather. It’s probably the biggest draw back to Charleston….
Usually we have snow this time of the season, but it has been dry and warm (40’s).
I live on tropical island so there’s no snow for me. I’ll trade eternal sunlight (except the sunset) for snowstorm.
Yesterday afternoon there was a 75 car pileup in the New York State Thruway between Buffalo and Rochester. Only 1 death.
Everything was cleanup very early this morning.
^^^^ I can not fathom how that kind of thing can happen. How is it many people see the problem well before they get there and manage to stop and pull over, and others just plow into it having never even hit their brakes? It really pisses me off.
There are sudden, total white-outs. You can be driving along with a clear view of the road ahead when there is a sudden impenetrable cloud of white.
What do you do? Slow down and the person behind might hit you.
Keep going and you might hit someone in front . Better to slow down….
And then there is the tractor trailer sliding at you from behind… You speed up to try to get out of the way…..
And the road is like glass no matter what you do.
My go-to move is to head for the soft shoulder or ditch it in the median.
Oh, I know. I’m referring to wrecks like this. See the first few seconds. I can’t find the whole video of that pileup. But you can see some people see it in time to slow down and even stop, but others just…plow right into the mess. It’s like they just weren’t even looking.
It’s official. The snow is up to my calves. Still lots of big fat flakes, coming down steady. There’s snow all over the marshes, and beaches. Crazy.
Almost everything is shut down. Travel is limited to wherever you are trapped.
I put my beer in the snow. Ahh, that’s cold beer!
We just got a good eight inches today, but it’s melting and refreezing. The roads are not good.
Just got a couple inches of snow last night. This area has no snow removal so everyone is freaked out. It is expected to melt off today.
I WANT SNOW!! What is the point of having ice melt in a container on your deck all year long if it’s never gonna snow or ice??
A pox on containers! And double pox on wintry precipitation! If you’re too old to keep your dignity starting a snow ball fight or building a snowman then it’s nothing but a dangerous nuisance to life and limb! The ice on particular. Give me sunshine and balmy temps.
I can do snowball fights and snow men! If we have to go through the misery of being cold, at least let there be something interesting about it. Some small challenge, like…walking. You know? Or something pretty to look at, like trees encased in ice. Somethin! (From a very cool ice storm that nailed us in 2002)
Ok I’ll concede on the pretty concept. There is something about a field of undisturbed snow or icicles hanging from trees and plants that is apealing. Until I have to drive somewhere and see people spinning out and sliding off the road and then I’m thinking, icesicle popsicle screw this shit. I’m going home and warm my posterior by the fireplace.
People can be so damn dumb when it comes to driving on ice. When I was in high school I told my folks I was spending the night with a friend, but my boyfriend and I went to a party instead and even got to spend the night together. The next morning someone, a classmate, drove us home. It was hella icy out. So this dude is driving along, and applied his brakes when we approached a stop sign. Car just started sliding. Dude says, “Whoa! Something is wrong with my brakes! I better get them checked!”
I said, “YOU’RE ON ICE MAN!!! YOU’RE SLIDING ON ICE!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR BRAKES!!” I had to stop myself from screaming it. Idiot.
He’s still out there, sliding around cluelessly, I’m sure.
Lol. I know it’s not funny but at least you and your boyfreind weren’t injured so it kinda is. What a moron huh? You’re probably right he’s probably sitting in a bar ditch some place even as we speak. Which is precisely why I hate snow and ice.
I have never slid off the road. Never. When there is ice on the roads I drive like the roads are icy. And I get impatient, stupid people flying around me. And I often see them a couple miles down the road…in a ditch. Ha ha.
Yuppers I’ve had the same experience. Had a van pass me on a freeway so fast that he lost it and was literally sliding down the road in MY lane going sideways! Luckily he got control and got back in his lane but the bastard never slowed down. Darwin Award to white van man. I had to stop at a 7/11 to get coffee and calm my nerves after that. The girl at the counter told me, you look very pale sir, you ok? Should I call EMS? I told her no I’m fine just really cold. : )
Once I was driving on a 4 lane and this car just went flying past me. He was doing 90, easy. Maybe more. It was a big old 4 door caddy or something. Suddenly he just lost it and wound up on the wide dirt / grass median. He was heading straight for a concrete embankment. It all happened so fast…..suddenly he had the car back up on the shoulder….and got himself back on the road, all while doing 90! I was holding my breath when the tires first hit the pavement again. I was sure he was going to lose it, my heart was pounding..but he never did. He never even hit his brakes. It was a superb show of driving skills by an idiot! I, of course, had reduced my speed to put as much distance between us as possible, so I had a front row seat and just watched the insanity unfold, like a movie.
A moment later another car slowly pulled up beside me and the guy driving it stared at me with wide eyes. I nodded like, “I know, right??!!”
I don’t know how he knew where I worked but he came in the next day so we could talk about it!
It was insane. I wanted to cheer and cuss all at the same time.
I know how you feel when that asshat pulled the crap on me(described above) my first instinct was to chase him down, yank him out of his van and beat the shit out of him.
But it was just too icy and dangerous to be worth the effort. And I used to do some boxing when I was younger, I’m no Mike Tyson but I’d have fucked him up I was so pissed off.
Cool pics by the way. But I draw your artention exhibit A, the pic you took of a massive limb broken and hanging in the road. Kinda ruins the winter wonderland ambiance of the scene.
The town looked like a bomb hit it. It completely changed the landscape. It sure left me discombobulated. I didn’t realize until then how much I counted on the individual trees to give me an idea of where I was! You can still see the scars of it, now, 16 years later.
And you want more of that shit?!
It was very cool!!! Way cool.
I’ll bet it was. About minus 20F worth of cool. I shiver just looking at those pics…
No. That was one of the coolest things. It started early in the morning, a light drizzle that froze the instant it his something. The temp was 22F when I got up, and stayed steady at 22 the entire day and into the following night. I’ve never seen the temperature stay so steady like that. The trees started breaking that evening. All though the night it was like shots being fired. snap! snap! snap! snap! snap! snap! snap! snap!
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