General Question

rojo's avatar

Is it just me or has your internet connection speed gone to hell since the FCC let the net neutrality lapse in favor of allowing the big media giants control access, connections and speed?

Asked by rojo (24187points) January 2nd, 2018

As asked.

BTW my access is through Suddenlink and it Suddenlysucks.

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12 Answers

filmfann's avatar

It’s probably you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just checked my speed at and did not notice any change.
My results:
Download: 40.22
Upload: 6.23
Latency: 38ms

janbb's avatar

I don’t think any changes have been implemented yet.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It is you. The FCC hasn’t even released the final regulations (to say nothing of the court cases before it goes into effect).

rojo's avatar

Pretty sure it is my service provider. It is just the downloads that are slower and it is over a range of sites that I frequent. They are all just leaving me twiddling the thumbs for a while before they come up.

rojo's avatar

I wonder if it is a Google thing, they keep trying to get me to sign up for Chrome and I insist on using Firefox.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@rojo Test your speed. The test is free and easy. I do it regularly.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No, mine’s always sucked.

RocketGuy's avatar

My modem crapped out last summer. Speed got down to 1MBps before I called. Luckily it was leased, so they came and spruced up my system for free.

My modem is in a data closet, which gets really hot in summer. I cooked a drive in my NAS the summer before. My wife won’t let me put in a vent because it will look “ugly”. I guess she doesn’t mind that I have to keep replacing equipment every summer.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@RocketGuy Can you leave the door open a crack? That would help. (But you already knew that).
Mine is on a wire shelf with lots of air flow.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Hasn’t changed for me.

RocketGuy's avatar

Yep, I open the door a crack then she shuts it tight when I’m not looking.

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