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Do people still read books nowadays?
I bought an excellent book. But my eyes got tired after about ten pages and I lost interest—seems I can’t get into the “whole” book fast enough. I’m used to decimating information and interest from the internet to stimulate my brain. I guess I need more instant gratification than I can get from a book. Even a very good book.
As a larger trend, I think most people watch movies on demand and even play games that move like a story and give more involvement than reading a book.
I am an avid writer and have written professionally but am concerned that people don’t read books anymore. I don’t, and because of so many alternatives to stimulate our brains—I seem to have lost the ability to get into a good novel. I only seem to enjoy books that give information about things, where I can skip around.
How about you? Are you still interested in reading a good novel or biography— something with a beginning and an end that you have to read through? Do you read books?
This is not a social category question— of course we are interested in each other socially on Fluther, but I am asking for information as to whether its worth it to try to have books published,
I don’t want to make the effort if people, like me, don’t read anymore.
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