I’ve gone through the “it’s not worth it”/“but it’s necessary” cycle most of my adult life. And I can’t say I have it figured out. But for the past couple of years, I have been back to running my mouth like I did in my twenties. Here’s where I am currently:
- Silence = acceptance is more than just a cute saying. Staying silent signals that you are ok with the status quo.
- There are people who are on the fence on certain issues, and are just not very informed.
- People are social creatures and don’t like to rock the boat (* most people). They don’t want to be the one person making a fuss. But speaking out makes it safer for others to do the same.
- I have blood on my hands. My tax dollars have paid for some horrible things. I’m not quite capable of resolving this in my own mind, and it causes some very tangible pain. This results in anger that is best expressed through vocal opposition to such things.
- I am a parent. I don’t lecture my kids, but as a model to them, I don’t want to be a silent participant in the status quo. The future is more theirs than it is mine. And I don’t want to be resented as being silent while I paid for the destruction of their future.
- People really can change their mind. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. But more importantly, it is possible to be a small contributing factor to someone having a slight shift in perspective.
Anyway, I could go back to just shutting up about this stuff at some point, but I’m not sure I can right now. And it’s not like I spout off at everyone I meet. There are appropriate moments to have a discussion or to disrupt. I considered being more active recently, but have found excuses due to family, etc (really no excuse). Maybe soon I will be more active. For now, I contribute financially to organizations (DSA, ACLU, etc).