Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did you know about this option on Facebook?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 7th, 2018

Do you ever wonder what total strangers could see on your Facebook account if they ever searched for you?

Go to your account and find the “View Activity Log.” Don’t click on that! It will drive you insane. But next to it are 3 dots. Click on those and the option to “View as,” comes up. When you click on that you can see what anyone in the world would see if they decided to check you out. There is even an option to send yourself a friend request!

I think it’s important to know how much of yourself you’re putting out there, especially if you don’t realize it.

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7 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

I always thought that putting details of your life where they can be viewed by anyone, was a bad idea. Even if you control what’s displayed, someone could hack it.

I know many employers that look at a applicant’s Facebook page, before even reading the application. If there’s anything they remotely disapprove of, they won’t interview that person. Could be as simple as a sports team someone doesn’t like.

I assume that everything I have every daid, or done online could be discovered. And I try to think about that , when online.

I can’t think of a disadvantage to knowing what exactly you are displaying. Seems like a good feature.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. That’s why you need to check to see what IS out there, and clean it up. When I discovered that option I was dismayed to see certain posts that I thought were to my friends only, were, actually, public. FB has a way of changing privacy settings without warning.

That’s another thing…check your settings every so often.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I Googled myself once. Half of the information was right. I guess I could have pursued at least making it accurate, but I almost like the mis-information.

Mimishu1995's avatar

It has been around for a long time. Not that I care though because I always choose my audience whenever I post something. And I don’t overpost or share personal things about me there either. Beside, my Facebook persona is different from my real one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think my Facebook is an accurate reflection of myself. However, part of my clean up duties include deleting any political post when I come across it.
I usually don’t post things that are negative. I keep my medical issues, and those of people I know, private.
I don’t post relationship issues, either.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I don’t fool with Facebook although my kids and grandkids love it. I Googled myself once and didn’t turn up much at
all. That’s good, I believe in keeping a low profile and flying under the radar as much as possible.

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