Why is God male?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
January 9th, 2018
from iPhone
Does God being male have implications on the way he views and treat his creations based on their gender?
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24 Answers
Because he was created by men.
He’s not. If he was that suggests that he has a penis. What on Earth would God need a penis for?
Your tags don’t mention a specific religion, so speaking generally, there isn’t just one god. Only a very few gods are self-centered enough to consider themselves, or for their humans to profess that they are the only god… and I’m pretty sure that outside fictional gods made up for fantasy or entertainment purposes, that the only gods who are so self-centered as to pretend they are the only god, are male.
(They’re kind of assholes, and not only in that way. Not really the sort of god that I’d admit to worshiping, and I wouldn’t want to believe they were the only one, especially if they’re all jealous and wrathful and threatening while pretending to be about love, because then the universe I believed in would really kind of suck.)
(@Dutchess_lll Well some male gods come to mind who have ideas for what to do with a penis.)
because women don’t count
God is portrayed as male at this time because we live in a very patriarchal society dominated by a very patriarchal religion.
I believe in the past you had both gods and goddesses and each addressed the masculine and feminine sides or aspects of life. Prior to that we probably had a much more feminine deity that emphasized the birth and nurturing aspects of the earth as mother and protector.
The god of today is both dominant and domineering, vindictive, spiteful and prone to violence, all predominantly male traits so portraying a deity as male is to be expected. Also, having a male deity it is a good way of providing justification for the continued patriarchy and its demanded submission of the female.
The concept of a God in Christianity reflects an antiquated notion of a father figure that historically provided security and well-being for their family. When First Council of Nicaea in AD 325 attempted to end the conflicts between various early Christian sects, they codified the notion of masculine supremacy and eliminated all references to women that might have been seen as having an elevated status. Sadly today, Catholic and Episcopal Churches and most Christian religions that broke from them still limit the leadership (priests, pastors, etc.) to men.
If there was a god and he created man in his own image, then he would have a penis. What else is he gonna play with for all of the endless eons??
^^ I think the point is that, while it may is fun to play with, the penis is mainly a sex organ whose purpose is procreation. Having the ability to procreate would imply that there is someone (or something) else to procreate with which would imply that there are others out there that are on the same celestial plane as God and that they would both be receptive and, I assume, capable of having offspring. And this would imply that there would be an endless supply of godlike beings being brought forth and each would want his, or her, own universe to manipulate.
What else would he do with it? He ain’t procreatin’. Juz sayin’...
God created man in his own image, says the bible. Woman was only created as a help mate to man, created from his rib, etc…
@KNOWITALL I prefer this version myself:
1.In the beginning Man created God;
and in the image of Man
created he him.
2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of
names,that he might be Lord of all
the earth when it was suited to Man
3 And on the seven millionth
day Man rested and did lean
heavily on his God and saw that
it was good.
4 And Man formed Aqualung of
the dust of the ground, and a
host of others likened unto his kind.
5 And these lesser men were cast into the
void; And some were burned, and some were
put apart from their kind.
6 And Man became the God that he had
created and with his miracles did
rule over all the earth.
7 But as all these things
came to pass, the Spirit that did
cause man to create his God
lived on within all men: even
within Aqualung.
8 And man saw it not.
9 But for Christ’s sake he’d
better start looking.
— Jethro Tull
Interesting to see so many people defaulting to the Christian view – even when debating the point.
@rojo “People what have you done? Locked him in his golden cage…”
The god of the Bible and other outdated religious texts discriminated against women, accepted slavery and condemned homosexuality. “Spare the rod and spoil the child”, is from the Bible. Fortunately, most believers cherry pick which verses to follow. Maybe they will come around to the possibility that god might be a woman.
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He’s male because men spin the bunk of His invention. I too believe believe that the rest of you should worship the closest duplicate of myself that I can fabricate.
For me “he” appeared as a beautiful lady talking greek with an accent, I don’t know what you are talking about
Greek? Was it Aphrodite or Hera?
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