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KNOWITALL's avatar

What do you look for in a Local political candidate?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29988points) January 11th, 2018

In your area, what are the things you look for in a candidate?

Is is integrity, personal knowledge of them, what they did during a previous term (voting history), education, etc….

Everyone seems to believe that all politicians are corrupt, but at the local level, it’s just people next door- or is it?

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11 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

One who actually comes to my door and answers my questions.

thisismyusername's avatar

Positions, past votes, etc. But the advantage of local candidates is that you can talk to them. There is a woman in my district running for state senate, and she has been great. We’ve communicated via email about local town issues we had and a fight against a corporation. She was very supportive and made public statements that helped swing official positions on the issue.

She is also vocal on many national issues, and I believe she has ambitions beyond the state senate. Currently I would support her because he seems pretty solid on the basics (medicare for all, immigration, etc).

rojo's avatar

I listen to what they have to say and how well it aligns with my feelings on local items.

I will admit to having some build in prejudices. If a candidate wears their religion on his sleeve, I will NOT vote for them. If a candidate wraps themself up in the dressing of one particular party and expects me to vote for them JUST because they belong to that group, I will NOT vote for them. If a candidate wages an extremely negative campaign, not addressing the issues but attacking their opponents, I will NOT vote for them. If their entire campaign revolves around their position on issues (such as those on the national or state level) that they will NEVER have any say over or input into, they will NOT receive my support. If it is a school board position and you support either a voucher system, forced prayer in school or demand that Creationism, Intelligent Design, Divine Intervention or whatever be taught in conjunction with or in lieu of Evolution, they will NOT get my vote.

I also look at where they are from; what is, or was, their profession prior to running for this office. Lawyers, Realtors, Bankers have a hard time winning my vote. Past experience seems to indicate they are either beholding to, sympathize with, or are more likely to vote favorably for their particular group rather than their supposed constituents, usually to the detriment of the community.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@KNOWITALL – NO, they are corrupt on the local level as well. At least where I live.

My county has 895,000 population – bigger than a lot of cities and a couple of states. Our commissioners are bought off by developers, landowners, insurance companies, investors – anyone who figure that there is money to be made by screwing the citizens of the county.

Maybe some of the smaller counties in Georgia have more honest politicians, but not where I live.

johnpowell's avatar

To be totally honest I don’t give a fuck. I’m not voting for a Republican so whoever has a (D) by their name gets my vote.

The worst Democrat is still better than the best Republican. And I am sure people on the right do the same but in a different direction.

We vote by mail so we get a big pamphlet in the mail outlining all the city and county taxes and random stuff on the ballot. I do actually read all that stuff and carefully measure my vote. I can fill out my ballot as I work through it.

Edit: Name a Republican I could stomach voting for.

janbb's avatar

Accessibility, character and awareness of local issues.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Do you believe your representaive should vote based on the loudest voices, the majority or what is best for the city? Remember by ordinance, we are required to vote ‘for the good of the majority of citizens’ ‘to promote safety & responsible growth?’ of all residents.

KNOWITALL's avatar

And btw, I’m not crooked and get paid $50 per meeting, twice a month. Basically community service.

funkdaddy's avatar

I try to differentiate between leadership positions and political positions. They sometimes overlap, but people usually have a strong suit and local positions tend to fit one better than the other.

For politicians, I go pretty strictly by their platform, and how much I agree with there. There are a couple issues I’ll never vote for someone who supports, and if I don’t like the other candidate, I’ll leave that ballot blank. National politics is so divisive right now, but local politics can actually have candidates that agree with one another on a lot of issues and it comes down to smaller differences.

If it’s a leadership position, it’s more by feel, but I tend to let the deciding factor be who I’d rather work for. Those positions tend to rely more on the people already in the positions around them.

If nothing else jumps out, I vote for the one that’s less of a dick. I’d vote a straight “Don’t Be a Dick” Party ticket if possible, but they don’t present many candidates.

rojo's avatar

@KNOWITALL _ “for the good of the majority of citizens’ ‘to promote safety & responsible growth?“_ is kind of a vague and malleable guideline. If I were a realtor and had the word (and inside track) of a good friend that changing a particular piece of property from residential to commercial would “promote responsible growth” and a bunch of local homeowners with adjoining property who disagreed. I can see voting with my friend and not those directly impacted especially if it would make me more that $50.00 for my vote.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo haha, it doesnt have any financial impact on me at all, but I do think developing what some consider blighted land, will raise the value of the adjoining neighbors, even if they believe the world is ending. Everything is taken to such a dramatic level in small towns. Thanks all!

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