Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

Who is your favorite Drag Queen?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) January 13th, 2018

Past or present.

I love Alaska Thunderfuck and Jinxk Monsoon. I can’t forget the queen, RuPaul.


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15 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Sister Boom Boom of the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Does Dennis Rodman count? I am fairly ignorant of such things. I know that he cross dressed some, but maybe there’s a difference.

Rodman played for the Detroit Pistons. My NBA team. He was awesome.

I’m sorry, I am a heterosexual male, but trying to contribute…

Tim Curry? I feel like that’s probably wrong too…

johnpowell's avatar

I’m watching Celebrity Big Brother and there is a drag queen from Australia on it. Other than RuPaul he is the only one I can name.

He is awesome. Is he proper pronoun for a drag queen?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Eh, can’t really call Dennis Rodman a drag queen. I don’t think you can even really call him a cross dresser, he just kinda did shit for shock value.

jonsblond's avatar

@johnpowell I believe they like to be called she, at least while they are in drag. My son got me hooked on RuPaul’s Drag Race this year and I’ve only seen 3 seasons so far. I’m learning as I watch.

thisismyusername's avatar

Speaking of RuPaul, I remember hearing this interview with him by Dan Harris last year. He’s definitely a really thoughtful and intelligent guy. Having only seem bits of the Drag Race show, it’s difficult as an outsider to get any sense of who he is. The interview really changed my whole image of who he was.

ragingloli's avatar

Ayasaki Hayate.

jonsblond's avatar

@ragingloli Nice. My son loves anime.

jonsblond's avatar

@thisismyusername Thank you for sharing that interview. He really is an amazing man. This is my favorite quote of his:

“If You Can’t Love Yourself How In The Hell Are You Gonna Love Somebody Else?”

ucme's avatar

Theresa May, no wait…Angela Merkel

ragingloli's avatar

Plot twist: They are the same person.

ucme's avatar

And Macron is their gimp

Dutchess_III's avatar

The one in the movie World’s Fastest Indian.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m really excited about this. Drag Queens on a Plane

LadyMarissa's avatar

Courtney Act lit my fire. Hot as a man & even hotter as a woman!!! She caused many a wet dream. She drove Chaz Bono absolutelyfuckinnutz & I discovered that Chaz has good taste!!!.Courtney was nice at being naughty & naughty while being nice!!!

Adore Delano has a heart of gold & fierce as a tiger…I’d love to have her as a friend!!!

Latrice Royale was one of the most honest who I felt deserved more than Miss Congeniality. She deserved to win!!!

Sahara Davenport could have become one of my faves but sadly she died before we got to know her well.

Then there’s Bianca Del Rio who is my all time favorite!!! She had NO apologies nor regrets.. Another that I’d love to call friend!!!

RuPaul is another that I’d love to get to know better. She did it when you were taking your life in your hands for even thinking about it!!!

As you can see, I’d never make it as a judge in a drag contest. I love too many of them for all the right reasons!!!

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