Are you more passionate arguing over a topic online, or in real life?
Asked by
January 19th, 2018
Regardless of the topic, do you feel more let’s say on fire when discussing it on line, or in real life face to face?
For myself I would have to say on line, in real life I just don’t have enough energy to fight very long.
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8 Answers
In a lot of ways it’s easier online, as no one interrupts you while you’re typing. i also like that there are other points of view. In real life, like you, @SQUEEKY2, it requires much more effort for me to keep a heated discussion going, and it can ruin a good evening if the feelings and reactions of the other parties are not carefully gauged and considered.
The “walk away” option on line is a plus for me, too.
Real life. A keyboard dilutes passion.
Definately real life. My passion is irresistable.
Online. I used to be a good debater but I don’t have the energy for it any more. Plus, online you have links at your fingertips.
I’m more passionate online. I don’t argue very much in real life as people I discuss things with usually agree with me about most things.
In general, I get along to well with most people I meet to ruin things by starting an argument. If a topic comes up I’m passionate about I’ll definitely put in my two cents worth, but I prefer to keep things chill. As my old pappy used to say, never discuss politics or religion. Works for me.
I tend to be a keyboard warrior because in real life I’m a 100 pound woman who could easily be beaten to death if I pissed someone off.
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