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MrGrimm888's avatar

Anyone eat Bass? (Details)

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) January 22nd, 2018

I haven’t eaten large mouth before.

Any recipe advice?

I always thought of them as game fish… I considered them a “catch and release” fish…

I like pan fry, and other fresh water fish….

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27 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Grilled on cedar planks is tasty, like trout.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bass is good. Wrap it it up in foil with lemon slices and some salt and grill it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve seen some recipes for Red Drum online. Lots of red pepper flakes , and cooked with skin on. Grilled seems to be the way to go.

I’m going to start fishing a pong in my parent’s neighborhood. I was originally going after catfish, but I have heard that it’s full of monster bass. Only a few people even fish it. In the spring, I’m going to put my canoe in, and see what survived the cold. It’s full of gators too, unfortunately…

Thanks for the advice!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I assume gators eat the bass at times? Here in Missouri we prefer crappie & bluegill to almost any other fish to eat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Crappie and bluegill are awfully small, aren’t they?

Everybody fishes for cat fish around here. Catfish is disgusting.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Well there are various sizes depending on pond, lake, etc…but about the same size as a store-bought tilapia filet. I hate catfish, too, gross no matter how you cook it imo, some people love it though (crazy ppl.)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 @Dutchess_III Now you want some good eats, it’s walleye, all day every day. Chunked up and fried, ooh la la!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Salmon is the best. But they don’t got none around here. For local fish I go with trout.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . Bream, and Crappie, are what I primarily fish for. Yes Dutch. They’re not big fish, but when they’re bitting, you can catch enough. We used to make trips to Lake Okeechobee in the spring. A tiny town called Clewiston, on the southern tip of the lake had the best fishing I’ve ever seen. There’s a canal that runs around the lake there. On a bad day, we could get 30–40 good sized bream. We filleted them, and froze them. Had a freezer full by the time we left.

Around my neck of the woods, they’ll be plentiful in the spring.
They don’t seem small when you catch them in a canoe. Little guys can pull my boat around…

Catfish are great. Maybe yall are eating the big guys. The best ones are just big enough to keep. The bigger they are the worse the meat. I don’t usually fish for cats though. I hate cleaning them, and they refuse to die. I hate the killing part…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Never had bream, but says they are similar to bluegill, which I’ve had plenty, so that sounds delightful! You must be in Florida then I assume. For some of the best bass fishing, stats say go to Texas.

By the way, you ever handfish for cats? We want to try it sometime!

Well how do you make catfish? Around here in Missouri, we just batter in cornmeal and fry, called catfish nuggets.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Has anyone tried to ask a question recently? It won’t let me. Am I the only one with the problem?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I cant. Tried today.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . I’m in Charleston, SC. Yes. Bream us kind of slang for sunfish, and bluegills. Beautiful, and tasty. We pan fry the cats. Like I said, they gotta be small. Eat them like corn on the cob.

Handfishing, or noodling, as it’s called here, is crazy. I would only yet it if I was lost and starving. It’s an excellent way to find a sleeping gator. I hear they aren’t fans of being poked… Lotsof people drown doing it too. People think we’re crazy floating down the Edisto. I’m pretty comfy with swimming in blackwater swamp. I won’t be testing my luck though by noodling…

We have some of the best Red Drum (Spot tail bass) fishing here in the low country. But it’s more difficult to fish saltwater, in my canoe. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend a canoe in saltwater. It’s dangerous. I also depend on the tides to help me get around, so I have to time things right. I go out in the Stono River a lot. I’m usually just enjoying the river. The dolphins feed a lot around sunset. They make me feel at ease when they are all around my canoe. Although the first one surprisesme each time. I’m not expecting such a large animal to surface right next to me. When the Sun is setting, the view is stunning. All the colors in the sky, and the water looks like you’re padding through liquid silver. Seagulls, brown pelicans, ospreys, sea turtles, and more. Being in a paddle powered vessel is a different experience than a motor boat. All the animals hang out with you. Those summer days floating quietly back to the landing when it’s almost dark are a magical time…

KNOWITALL's avatar

That sounds amazing, you should write poetry! The dolphins sound so cool.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The dolphins are like the bonus. I saw a baby once a couple summers ago. It was no longer than a few feet, and it was very loud when blowing out it’s blow hole. The parents (I assume) were flanking the young one always. It made a ppppffffft sound, every time it surfaced. I think the others were trying to tell it to be more quiet. I could have reached out and touched them. I’m 4 inches off of the water, and they are just right by me. The sea turtles are shy. But the dolphins clearly like interactions. They’re amazing creatures. They seem to like me. It’s weird. You can see them playing in the shallows too. Their having a good time. They’re boisterous almost… I’m jealous of them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Cant even imagine that kind of magic. You are lucky.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I see it as an ancient relationship. Motor boats are new. The dolphins must have been used to seeing us in kayaks, and canoes, for a long time. So, they aren’t as shy around those boats. They really seem to just appreciate being around other mammals. They like dogs too. They seem to be like cousins to man. What an odd universe…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Noodling is just insanity.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yes. It’s a great way to get your arm pulled off. Gators grab, and roll. Pulls that shoulder right out of the socket. I’ve seen the results. Seeing a gator, swimming with your arm, is probably less than cool….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we don’t have gators here but I just can’t see sticking my arm into a black hole in the river.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’d come up with a water moccasin or snapping turtle on my hand….lol Looky here! haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yup. We do have dem! My sister was bitten by a cotton mouth when she was a kid.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Geesh, as kids swimming in local ponds, we never even thought about those or water moccasins or anything. I assume your sister survived?

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Yes, she did. She didn’t even get sick. Doc said the snake had bitten something recently so was kind of out of venom.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Now that’s lucky!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was 17. I worked for Baskin Robbins and I was dressed for work. I was down stairs talking to my mom when we heard the front door open.
My sister said, “Mom?”
My Mom said, “We’re down here talking. Don’t interrupt.”
I, on the other hand, was on my feet running for the stairs. Something in my sister’s voice just catapulted me up the stairs. Then she came around the corner, very pale and said she’d just been bitten.
I made her sit down and ran to get a razor blade and a tourniquet. Mom…called the doctor. eye roll.
She said “Doctor said not to do that!” another eye roll. But I didn’t do that.
So we put her in the car to drive 20 minutes to a hospital in Wichita. Mom drove me crazy. Her idea of driving in an emergency was my idea of driving normally! eye roll. I kept saying, “You gotta go faster, Mom! Faster!”
I kept an eye on my sister anxiously….but nothing happened. It was very boring after all was said and done. eye roll.

We had a ton of books in the house including encyclopedias. All of us girls poured through the encyclopedia. My sister said she felt something catch at her leg, so she shook it and saw the snake fling away. She crept closer to get a better look at it, and identified it from the picture of it in the encyclopedia.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh and then I had to tell my boss why I was late, and he didn’t believe me! It was commonly thought that there were no water moccasins in this part of the state.
I told him to call my mom!

According to this map they shouldn’t be in central Kansas. Leave it to my sister to find the only one! The doc said it was definitely a venomous snake bite.

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