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Brian1946's avatar

What's your latitude?

Asked by Brian1946 (32750points) January 25th, 2018

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Enter your address, community, or city in the search bar at the top of the map.

Click on that location.

Hover the cursor over it.

In about 1 second, you should see a latitude & longitude box appear just below your location.

In the second set of parentheses, you should see 1or 2 digits to the left of the first decimal point. Those are the integral parts of your degrees of latitude.

E.g., mine shows 34.1592…, which means I live about 34º north of the equator.

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12 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar


Not sure if I chose the right number.

Brian1946's avatar

Another example: Boston, MA is about 42º.

Brian1946's avatar


I checked your results, and you chose the right numbers.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Brian1946 That map you gave me can’t reach some locations around my house though. There are several small roads that the map fails to display. Guess my place is too secluded.

Brian1946's avatar


Does Google maps recognize those locations?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not sure. I need to go check :P

zenvelo's avatar

37 N

There is even a local sailing magazine around here called Latitude 37.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

42 north

What I find interesting is how far south we are compared to the population centers in Europe.

42 N in Europe is the Mediterranean area, places like Rome and Turkey.

In the US it’s Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Buffalo, and Boston.

rojo's avatar

30° 37’ 40” N

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