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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Are tomato seeds and skin bad for you?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) January 25th, 2018

They contain a poison called Lectin from an add on Google said that you will lose weight and feel better if you avoided Lectin from tomatoes and potatoes. Is this true? Also works for answering questions in Fluther. link is I haven’t read all of it so don’t hurt me. I can’t find the advertisement in Google.

Lectin diet
The lectin avoidance diet excludes grains, beans, nuts, seeds, most potatoes and all dairy. Allowed foods include all seafood, meats, chicken/turkey (all fowl), eggs and most fruit and vegetables. Romaine lettuce, cruciferous veggies, cucumbers and celery are the best vegetables to include.

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19 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Lectin is a protein. Ads on Google tend to be “click bait” just to get you to go to a web-site some of which are malware sites.

zenvelo's avatar

No, they aren’t bad for you.

But if it is a concern enough for you to ask, how come you asked about tomatoes but not potatoes? Is it because you like potatoes and don’t want to give them up?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo I did ask about potatoes from the details.

flutherother's avatar

No, but everything is potentially toxic if take to excess. Drinking too much water can kill you.

LostInParadise's avatar

Tomatoes were originally considered poisonous The bright red color was considered a warning signal.

Tomatoes and potatoes are in the nightshade family , which includes poisonous plants. Many fruit and vegetable plants contain poisonous parts. Link Avoid raw almonds and green potatoes. And definitely stay away from red meats

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’d be dead 100 times over….

MrGrimm888's avatar

This reminds me of something George Carlin used to say, in a bit.

“Saliva has been found to cause cancer. But only if swallowed, in small doses, frequently.”

RocketGuy's avatar

As @flutherother said, everything is toxic if taken in large enough quantities. Very likely the dose in tomatoes is very tiny, compared to the amount that would be harmful to you. Tomatoes are eaten throughout the world. If they actually had a harmful amount, millions of humans throughout history would have been killed.

Plus, you could have read the first paragraph of the wiki: “Lectins may be disabled by specific mono- and oligosaccharides, which bind to ingested lectins from grains, legume, nightshade plants and dairy.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

This is the link to the this book is Dr. Gundry diet evolution

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. But they ARE a member of the nightshade family and nightshade is poisonous!

Judy15's avatar

Well I always wash all fruits and vegetables very thoroughly, if you prefer you could just peel the skin :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ I wouldn’t go through all that!

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The eyes of potatoes make one sick?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. They’re just unappetizing. To me, anyway.

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zenvelo's avatar

^^^^^ Touting tomato sauce on pizza as a health food, but maybe OP likes SPAM Pizza!


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