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imrainmaker's avatar

Are you watching what stuff kids are being exposed to?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) January 27th, 2018

Here’s latest incident
where a mobile app is making sinister calls once app is installed on the mobile. Are you as a parent / grand parent aware what’s being downloaded by kids?

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snowberry's avatar

I am now, and have informed my friend about it. Unfortunately her ex (who happens to be a cop and is a very shady guy) has given cell phones with unlimited Internet access to each of his many children, and he seems to think this sort of thing appropriate.

I used to think cops were the good guys, but I’m not so sure anymore. :(

rockfan's avatar

The trailer for Despicable Me 3 featured an extremely offensive song by Eminem (although I think it’s a legitamately funny song) and my 8 year old cousin wanted to buy the song on iTunes immediately after the movie, and it put me in an awkward position to explain why an inappropriate song was featured in it. But honestly, it doesn’t bother me all that much.

ragingloli's avatar

Remember this scene from a recent kid’s movie?

seawulf575's avatar

Honestly, I’m not sure where the hang up is. Isn’t this what we have been pushing for? For a society to raise a child? In fact, haven’t we ostracized everyone that dared to speak out against things that they felt were morally wrong? Didn’t we tell them they were the bad ones and that they had to get on board with what an enlightened society was doing? So what…we finally hit something that is considered questionable….for now?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

So the thing with this app is that it was intended as satire to begin with.
So, if you are a parent and you are not reading description/reviews of what you are downloading for your kid, you are stupid.
If you are allowing your kid to download whatever without checking, you are stupid.
Seriously, It’s not hard to take 2 seconds to read one or two reviews or the app description.

My nephew loves to go on youtube and watch videos of Sonic/Mario characters fighting. One day, my brother was watching him but not really paying attention. My nephew clicked a video that was a bit too violent. Am I going to go off on the person who posted the video? No. Someone should have been watching him better.
At the time, I was busy making pancakes, so I left my brother in charge. I get as a parent you can’t always keep a super close eye on your child, but you shouldn’t get mad at an app creator because your child downloaded a satirical game and may or may not have got scared/exposed to adult things. You simply explain why it wasn’t good, delete app, and move on.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

The full name of the app was “Call Blaze and the monster machines 2018” the picture looked super fake, the app had a TON of ads based on what I’ve seen. Any smart adult would have seen that it was sketchy.

Obviously, if it was an accident, like if your child downloaded it without the parent knowing, that’s different because kids can’t tell if that’s real or not. They just see a character they like and download it. (Parents shouldn’t be allowing young kids to download stuff without checking first)
But, one parent commented (and this is quoted straight from the article, ”“I’m so happy you shared this, I nearly downloaded that for [my son] it’s absolutely vile I would report it.”
The app had a rating as 2.5* and when I googled the name, This is what came up as a description for the app (I can’t get the whole description as it has been taken down, this is only the google webpage summary)
” call Blaze and the Monster Machines 2018. This app is a fake call from the monster machines games, you will receive a fake call from blaze monster truck. Install fake call from blaze monster truck machines and start the call now . blaze and the monster machines games download new calling app, surprise…”

Like… That seems so sketchy and either a virus, or a BS app to me.. Plus, when I searched blaze and the monster machines, many legitimate apps showed up (as in, a certified apps) first. I’ve heard that this app was hard to find.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

So to answer the question specifically, I do watch what my nephew downloads on my tablet and I make sure he asks me before he downloads anything.
I even double check Netflix shows he wants to watch because there was one show, that when I watched on my own, would have been absolutely disgusting to show him. It looked like a serious kids show based on the title and picture alone. It was called “Happy Tree Friends”

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