General Question

imrainmaker's avatar

Which is the most expensive piece of art?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) January 28th, 2018

Is it Mona Lisa or something else? Considering any art type excluding monuments, buildings etc.

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8 Answers

imrainmaker's avatar

Wow.. that’s huge!!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

My biggest shock is that it may not even be authentic!

imrainmaker's avatar

Yeah..I read that too..!!

Zaku's avatar

Masterpieces are sold at auction, so it’s just about how much someone is willing to pay in each sale. There is no one more expensive piece of art, and many of the most famous etc pieces are in museums and not for sale.

Poseidon's avatar

Hello imrainmaker,

The most priceless work of art in the world is the painting:

La Giaconda (The Mona Lisa) painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.

It is hanging in the Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

This I believe is the only work of art which is classed as ‘Priceless’


CWOTUS's avatar

The US Senate.

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