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flutherother's avatar

Has your hairstyle changed over the years?

Asked by flutherother (35076points) January 29th, 2018

Has your hair has turned grey or receded, or has your self image resulted in a change of style over the years?

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12 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Sure. When I was a kid, it was straight and light brown.

As I went through puberty, it became very dark brown and curly.

Now, pushing fifty, it’s mostly straight again and mostly grey.

Luckily, I still have a full head of hair.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I have clipped my head (shaved, but not with a razor) for many years. I shave my head more often now, because the hair is more salt, than pepper. I don’t feel old enough for all that white hair.

I have had some type of facial hair, since forever. Currently, I have a very large beard. Mostly auburn, with some black and white. I cut several inches off every few months. It’s probably at least 10 inches long now. I’ve thought about cutting it off, to donate to locks of love. I think it would look weird on a kids head though…

My ex used to like my facial hair neatly maintained. When she left me, I just let it do it’s thing. To my surprise, lots of people like it. It’s kind of a part of my personality now. What an odd world….

Mariah's avatar

No age-related changes yet, but I’ve certainly worn my hair in different styles. As a kid and through much of high school it was fairly long (past my shoulders). Late in high school I cut it to above my shoulders and I wore it that way through much of college. Then halfway through college I chopped it all off. I really liked my pixie cut, but after quite a few years with it I got bored, and I’ve just recently grown it out again. It’s now back to almost my shoulders, and I’ve got bangs now for the first time in quite a long time.

My hair is naturally wavy, and when it gets long it becomes full-on curly. I like the curls, but at this mid-length I have now I don’t like the waves, so I straighten it.

My natural hair color is a dark brown that I like a lot so I’ve never dyed it.

chyna's avatar

My hair was stick straight, not a wave or curl to be found. Now that I’m older my hair is getting wavy.
Both of my parents had very curly hair. Hmmm.

CWOTUS's avatar

Not so much, really. Well, there was a time in my 20s when I grew my hair down and longer, and it was blond. But… when I was a kid my dad always gave me brush cuts with clippers in the back yard (or in the family room during bad weather and in winter), and I was outside so much as a boy that it bleached white in the sun.

Now… it has turned ‘mostly white’ on its own, and I give myself my own brush cuts, about five or six times a year. But I’ve still got it!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I used to have hair, and now I am mostly bald. What is left (and my beard) is grey.

So what? Not a damn thing i can do do about it, so I wear it proudly.

zenvelo's avatar

My hair has thinned considerably in the last five years, although for my age I considered to have a “full head”.

And I have some gray, but not a lot.

rojo's avatar

Starting in high school I grew my red hair long (child of the 60’s/70’s). It continued growing through college and almost my entire college life I either wore it loose or more commonly in a pony tail. It was rather unruly when left loose. It also darkened from a classic ginger to an auburn color over this time period.

Just prior to joining the real world workforce, along with shaving off my beard I cut it rather short, maybe a couple of inches long and wore it that way for a couple of years. Later, because the natural waviness never let it part or sit right, my wife convinced me to get a perm and I wore an afro for another couple of years. It got bigger and bigger until I changed jobs and moved back to the town where I attended college when I cut it short again, this time about an inch long overall, let it curl and did not try to have a part. By this time grey hairs were appearing.

I kept my hair short for a few more years but vacillated between a mustache, goatee and full beard however, finally settling on the beard. The grey kept on advancing, taking over more and more while my beard became a tri-color affair, red, black and grey. Wore it this way for several year through my late 20’s and early 30’s.

About my mid thirties I went into business with an old school friend. Most of our work was bid work and bid work goes to the lowest bidder usually. At this time I decided to grow my hair out again as I had worn it in college. I figured if people didn’t like my hair they didn’t have to hire my company. As far as I know, no one ever chose to pay more money to hire another company because my hair was in a pony tail. The grey continued to advance.

Since that time I have always worn my hair long. I went from a pony tail to a braid about twenty years back and thus it is today. Both my hair and my beard almost completely grey and my hair is a lot thinner than it was; in part because about seven years ago I made the mistake of using a very strong chemical (read poison) on my head to kill the lice I received as a present from my granddaughter who got them from the day care she was attending. (I should have just shaved my head, it would have grown back).

I have threatened repeatedly over the past two years to cut it short, buzz cut short, but my wife and grandkids don’t want me to. She enjoys braiding my hair each morning and the grandkids have never known me without the braid. But the thinning is noticeable as is the enlarging bald spot on the back of my head. So, a few more years the way it is anyway and then who knows, maybe shave it all off (well, not the beard).

FWIW my old friend and business partner has decided that now he is retired he is going to grow his hair out again. It is nowhere near as long as he wore it in college. Yet. But, he now has a two inch grey ponytail that he is quite proud/fond of. Right now his beard length is about “Trucker”. For the past 20 years he has fluctuated between “caveman” and “grandpa” with one memorable foray to “Hillbilly” when his wife spent a year or so overseas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sure. I did the hippie-headband thing in the 60’s and early 70’s…but my hair was too poofy to carry it off well. Frustrating. But it went perfectly with the Farrah thing in the 70’s. In the 80’s and 90’s it was permed into curly curls. Then, when I couldn’t afford to perm it any more I realized my hair had natural curls that I’d never realized I had. After that, I’d just mousse it and go! Every so often I’ll be asked if my hair is lightly permed, but it’s not.
If I’m working I’ll spend a bit of time with a curling iron to tame the curls. If not, I just put it all up in a clippy.

dxs's avatar

I went from mushroom cut as a kid, to crew cut for my Catholic school years. Once I was free to have my hair any way, I didn’t cut it for years. It was down to my shoulders. Then I got a mohawk. Nowadays I’ve evened it out but it stays hidden under a hat. At the moment it’s a bit long and I think it’s become wavy. Luckily I still have a full head of full-color hair. There’s only minor, unnoticeable receding.

Ever since my facial hair has come in (and I didn’t have to shave it off—Catholic school requirements again), it has always been in the same style.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My husband was a barber for several years. He went in to compressor sales afterward. When he moved in, when my son was 14 or so, my son asked him to cut his hair. I always cut my kid’s hair myself and left Chris’ a little longish.
So Rick cut his hair. My heart started sinking. He was giving him a really close, severe, military kind of hair cut. When he spun Chris around to the mirror, and I saw the look on his face, I said, to myself, “He’s never gonna cut his hair again!”
And indeed, he didn’t cut it for several years, until one day, when doing some roofing work, he got hit with heat stroke. So he cut it then.

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