@KNOWITALL . Airport security, and the area the wall is supposed to “protect,” are not remotely the same issue.
“The cost, or the idea?” Very much both. Walls are only like 5,000 years obsolete. If the cost for completely obsolete technology is anything, it’s too much. Take a Google Earth look, at the majority of where the wall will be. It is mainly uninhabitable terrain. Hundreds of miles of it, are already river, or desert and hills. It is the most ridiculous project considered in modern times. The border area that is to be walled, is already on deadly, barely survivable terrain, and constantly surveyed by drones, and other agents. Crossed mainly by impoverished, poorly supplied, desperate, refugees. NOT MS13, and rapists… There are multiple videos online, of average women, and children scaling such walls with aplomb. The technology did not keep Mongolians out of China, thousands of years ago. It was merely an obstacle to a army that relied on horses. There just aren’t hundreds of thousands of South Americans on horseback, trying to invade Texas. Nor are there any Canadian forces, that would be deterred by a wall. It (the wall) is probably THE most ignorant plan, I have ever heard of.
Let’s do a thought exercise. You, and your family paid everything you have, and expended all of your resources to travel from Ecuador to America. Now you reach a primitive wall. Would you turn around and go back?
Most illegal immigrants from the Mexican border, have gone through hell to get to that point. A wall, is a blessing, compared to the obstacles they overcame to get there.
Trump hasn’t called for a wall on the Canadian border. Which is just as exposed, if not more, because there are mostly white people in Canada. Trump has been crystal clear that he does not consider white people near as much of a potential problem as minorities. Period….
The cost is of little relevance, if there is an actual realistic way to reduce terrorism. The realistic ways are far cheaper, and more plausible.
MS13, is a broad term, applicable to hundreds of Latino gangs. Some of those gangs have representation in the US armed forces. The ignorant conservatives have brought it up, as if they have even a loose understanding of it. They don’t. It’s origins (in America) are mainly in our prison systems. A whole other discussion, about minorities and institutional issues/inequalities. There are other gangs that are basically ex-military from South American Civil Wars. Again, most recruiting is from inside of the US. Either in the penal systems, or promoted by ex-cons. There simply are NOT armies of international criminals marching unchecked, across the Mexican border. The vast majority, are either refugees of circumstances in South, or Central America, looking to unite with preexisting family in the US, or normal people looking for a better life. Many die trying. And theyaren’t dying at a wall, that stopped them. The journey is full of strife.
Portions of the wall, will cover hundreds of miles of uninhabitable terrain. The cost of simply transporting workers, and materials to these dangerous, and remote locations will be a vast contributing factor to the price tag. Think about this. If the US has to pay a fortune, just to build a wall there, is it really a place to worry about illegal immigrants?
The logic behind the reason for the wall, would be applicable to building a wall across the entire Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. They are all natural borders. Illegal crossing is risking death, in all cases.
If such immigration, is really a concern, we should have walls around the entire country. Even then, they wouldn’t stop the majority of the undesirables. Walls are an ancient technology. They became obsolete (when unattended) when they were designed. Think of a baby gate. It’s common knowledge that it’s only a matter of time before the BABY circumvents the wall. A BABY. I crawled over my crib, and baby gates at like 1, or 2 years old.
The current USA is gifted by circumstance. The Canadians have little to no reason to illegally come here. The southern border, that isn’t already fenced, is insufferable wasteland. The west, and east borders, are vast ocean…
Obviously, some determined people, will survive the treacherous journey. But it’s your neighbor’s kid, who will more likely shoot up the local school(, with legal guns.)
The real victims, are the immigrants. They are often robbed, raped, and killed. They are easy targets of lawful citizens, because they fear deportation. And the ones I have known, are more patriotic than any legal citizens I know. They love this land, and the opportunity for their children.
They work jobs, that no average American would. They work longer hours, under illegal conditions, with cheap/ineffective equipment, and sleep/live in squalor, just to send money to loved ones, or support families they have here. They are largely a strong addition to our society. Not a detriment. If I had to do what they do to survive, I would leave this country.
Nothing about how they got here, or live, is “easy.” They are the equivalent to the pioneers, that shaped and spread this country, from sea to sea. And they deserve our support, and protection. They should not be ostracized, but embraced. They are our friends, and countrymen. Does nobody think they would fight for our country, if needed? They already have a big representation in our military.
America wasn’t designed to be a country of walls, and division. It was created to be an example of the potential that humanity can be. A hope for the future. A light, to lead us from the dark ages of history. A fighter for freedom. An enemy to the evil, and injustice in the world . An obstacle for the greedy. A place where ALL could have an equal opportunity to thrive, and contribute to something greater than one person, or thought processes. A place of religious freedom, or freedom to have no religion, but to have freedom from religious persecution.
Many men, have fought, and died for this concept. The blood of patriots has watered the roots of this once great country. The current government’s agenda, and actions is a disgrace to those people. The wall is not just a pathetic attempt at a barrier. It is a symbol of a change in what America is/was. It is the antithesis, of the Statue of Liberty. The former single symbol of what this nation stands for, and hopes/hoped to be…