Is this a good idea for Valentines Day?
Asked by
idream3r (
February 5th, 2018
At my Church for Valentines Day I wanted to give out little cards and candy to the little and youth girls. Just to celebrate the Holiday. We never do anything nice for Valentines day so I thought this would be something they would like. I usually help out during Bible studies and I think this would be a good gift. I went to a small High school within a larger one. One time some girls decided to do the same for all the Boys. That is where I got the idea from. What are you thoughts?
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43 Answers
I think it would be a nice thing to do. Most little girls love cards and candy. It makes them feel special.
Why only to the girls and not all the kids?
Sure, great idea. Don’t overthink it – just do it.
Make sure it is Ok with the youth leaders, though.
no, it is creepy and wrong.
Sure…do it. It doesn’t hurt anything and can add some excitement to attending church.
@chyna Thank you, I appreciate it.
@janbb on second thought, your right. Don’t want anyone to feel left out. Thank you.
@elbanditoroso Will do, Thank you. Appreciate it.
@ragingloli I disagree, it’s like giving candy to kids for Halloween. Thank you.
@seawulf575 Thank you, I appreciate it.
Maybe do a whole theme lesson about how Jesus used love to change the world. Or on tbe back of each valentine write one thing Jesus did to show love.
On valentines day, you give chocolate to the people you have a romantic interest in.
So children are out of the question.
If you’re a man, what you’ve described will likely be perceived as creepy and unsettling. This will be especially true if you target the young girls and ignore the boys. Please know that I’m not accusing you of being pedophile, not at all, but you’ve asked us if your idea is a “good” one; I’m giving you my honest opinion.
If you’re a woman, people won’t have the same reaction. But, you should give to all the children – not just the girls – and keep your gifts very token and modest.
Tell them the story of St. Valentinus instead.
If you are planning to give candy, you should probably not give chocolate, or anything that might contain nuts, because there is usually some child who has severe allergies to those things. Unless you can confirm, ahead of time, with the parents of each and every child that it’s OK. One of my friend’s kids has a peanut allergy, that’s why I’m bringing this up. A little kid might not have the knowledge or self control to avoid eating the candy, especially if the other kids are eating it.
I also agree with @Love_my_doggie , that if you are a male, don’t do any of this. Unfortunately, in our society today, especially with what has been going on in the news recently, you are just asking for trouble.
Also, you should give something to all the kids, not just the girls, if you are going to do something at all.
When I was in Junior High, kids would give each other carnations. Not too expensive, but still very nice.
Are you male or female? If you’re male, I agree with @ragingloli
My Sunday school teacher gave us silver dollars for special occasions. I still have a few of them.
@KNOWITALL Thanks for the idea, will try it. Really appreciate it.
@ragingloli It is not just for romantic interest. Its for people who you love and care about.
@Darth_Algar Will try and fit that in somewhere. Thank you, really appreciate it.
@Kardamom @Rarebear @Dutchess_lll Thank you all for your feedback really appreciate it. Kardamom, I totally understand your concern and see where you are coming from. I should of explained myself better. In my Church we are like a Family and people often give gifts to each other or each others children as way of showing love and appreciation. I am a 28 yr male and have known these kids since they were all born, I often help out during sunday school and they look up to my as an older Brother in a way. They often come to me for advice about school, life, sports etc…. I’ve on many occasions been asked by their parents to take them to school, school events or anytime they need my help to take care of them. Since Valentines day is mainly considered for females I just thought I would give it to the girls. But on second thought I will add all the kids to it. I will make the gifts simple so it isnt too costly. Which was another reason why I meant to only give it to the girls. Thanks for the feedback. Really appreciate.
If you are an adult male and you want to give out “little cards and candy” because you “love and care about” the “the little and youth girls” then you are acting creepy whether or not you are.
Look, you don’t have to agree with Rags, Dutch and me. But you asked the question on a public forum and we are telling you our opinion.
@Rarebear Disagree. He said he’s giving tp boys and girls. My mom teaches sunday school and her gifts wouldnt be creepy, same with this man. I applaud adults, especially men, who step up to fill the huge gap left in childrens lives. Church is a different social structure, a family minus blood ties except we share the blood of our savior. If you havent been part of that, you cant understand.
Of course there are bad people everywhere but you cant put that on this guy. What about Nasir, a respected doctor, that doesnt mean all doctors feeling you up at a physical are creepers. I knew and loved many elders in church, and since my bio dad is a jerk, I needed good male role models. I’m very thankful for those good men. Like Abe said, a man never stood so tall as when he reaches to help a child.
Give all the kids, both girls and boys, candy and cards. It’s a sweet gesture and not creepy at all.
I’m not religious, but here’s one more vote for your idea not being creepy. I’d also like to point out that harmless gestures like this would not be stigmatized as much if they were more common…so go ahead, you might even succeed in changing some people’s minds.
I absolutely agree that the boys should get presents too.
@KNOWITALL Look. He asked the question. I answered. If he wanted an echo chamber he should have gone to a Christian church forum, not Fluther. You guys can say it’s not creepy all you like. The fact of the matter is that at least three of us here think it is. That should tell you something.
When my oldest sons were young my mother would send them Valentine’s cards in the mail. They loved it!
I agree with @KNOWITALL here. The OP knows his community and if he feels it would be welcomed (and I can imagine it would in my religious community) than it’s a good idea. But it’s also true that you never know what response you’re going to get when you throw a question out on Fluther or elsewhere on the internet. I’ve seen much, much worse than what goes on here on Comments threads on FB.
If I get responses that don’t fit my perception, I get a bit jazzed but then try to filter them and accept or reject them.
@Rarebear All that tells me is that your definition of creepy and mine aren’t the same. In mine you actually have to do something besides be kind to be called a pedophile.
LIke give candy and valentine “I love you” cards to children who are not your own.
@Rarebear No like inappropriate speech, touching or activity that their parents wouldn’t condone. I’ve fed, clothed and helped many children who aren’t my own, and even loved some of them like an auntie, what’s the big deal?
I didn’t say it was a big deal. I said that I thought it was creepy. You’re going to have to figure out a way to deal with that.
@Rarebear lol, the definition of that word is not ‘giving candy to unrelated children for a holiday’.
So your definition of creepy is, by your words, ” actually have to do something besides be kind to be called a pedophile.”
My definiton of creepy is “doing something that some people find creepy”.
Okay @Rarebear, I’m going to cough on someone in your honor since I didn’t get my flu shot this year, if you keep it up. :)
Yeah…that’s not creepy at all.
@Rarebear Trying to lighten it up pal, come on.
You could also give them all teddy bears.
I mean it is just a plush toy, right?
Nothing creepy about that, RIGHT?
There is a difference between “creepy” and “scary”.
@Rarebear To clarify, @raging’s bear wasn’t creepy or scary to me.
Ahhhh, got it, had no idea.
I’d suggest anonymous cards and small small gifts for all the children. Have them signed/packed/delivered beforehand. Nothing to indicate who they are from.
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