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stanleybmanly's avatar

What are your sentiments on Trump’s plans for a big military parade?

Asked by stanleybmanly (24153points) February 7th, 2018 from iPhone

Money well spent?

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63 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Trump only cares about his ego and pleasing his base.

From what I’ve heard the majority of troops don’t want a parade.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Beyond ridiculous. Spending millions of dollars and losing millions of hours of training time so Little Donnie can play war? Asinine.

The most relevant theory I read today is that this is a well-thought-out and measured step towards the militarization of civil society.

canidmajor's avatar

Money would be better spent on the veterans themselves.

Zaku's avatar

All of the above. It’s a continuation of the ridiculousness, and I wish it were as clear to the whole country as it is to me that no one like Trump (or Pence, or Ryan, or McConnell) should be representing the country. The part of the population I identify with despises practically all of their political positions and would laugh/vomit them out of office.

It nauseates me that anyone supports them.

imrainmaker's avatar

I don’t know but I have seen parades like these taking place all over the World. If French / Russians / Chinese can have it then can’t USA afford it? Won’t they be facing same issues as listed in the article? I don’t have any military background but it’s news to me that soldiers don’t like to march. It’s what they do as a part of their training right? Correct me if I’m wrong.

Kardamom's avatar

A waste of money, and a big jack-off moment for Trump.

Why not spend that money to help get homeless veterans into housing?

Or a million other useful things that don’t involve Trump jizzing in his pants (or into a potted plant) or onto the Resolute desk.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@imrainmaker. For the kind of show Trump is talking about, he can only pull it off at a place like Fort Hood or Fort Benning- places set up to manipulate and handle such weaponry. The logistical horrors in trying to mount such a spectacle in Washington D.C. are almost too severe to contemplate.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Curious into what the worlds best and biggest military would be like?

thisismyusername's avatar

To those that are concerned about the money – what are your thoughts about the $700 billion military budget that all but 4 Democrats voted for? This increase of $80 billion was more than the $54 billion that Trump had asked for.

filmfann's avatar

Trump is the reincarnation of Mussolini. Proof

Demosthenes's avatar

I truly thought it was a joke when I first of it, then I remembered just who we’re talking about. It seems painfully unnecessary to me. Military parades, as I understand them, are generally for military victories (especially the kind where weapons will be conveyed down the streets of the capital). Outside of that, they seem to be the domain of dictators and insecure leaders of small nations who feel the need to aggressively display their might (whether to the rest of the world or their own citizenry). Why the United States needs that right now escapes me.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

They should stick American military parades to Hollywood. It would be spooky otherwise. They are meant to cow down the citizens or a dictatorship as well as the neighbour’s In other countries. To prevent coups and wars.

canidmajor's avatar

@thisismyusername: I think you should ask a separate question.

imrainmaker's avatar

@filmfann – lol..) Good observation!!

thisismyusername's avatar

@canidmajor – I did. You’d agree this is relevant though, right?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Doesn’t matter to me either way but seems like a dominant move, so I assume Trump is flexing to the other male leaders. Part of Operation MAGA. haha

Darth_Algar's avatar

France does it simply because of old tradition. Otherwise these kinds of displays are the domain of megalomaniacal dictators.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think it’s a MASSIVE insult to not only America, but the world. As dozens of countries, and hundreds of millions of people have been negatively effected by American wars ( the last few were all pretty much fought under false pretence,) it is a slap in the face of the global community.

The more we allow Trump, to do what he wants, the more we see his true colors displayed. He clearly views himself as an all powerful, unquestionable leader. If he comes dressed up like Captain Crunch, and throws his hate speech around in front of a bunch of war machines, I truly hope his supporters will start to see what is painfully, crystal clear. If the man isn’t stopped, this will just get worse. He’s a great example of the absolute worst of humanity. I NEVER dreamed, in my worst nightmares, that we would be watching our country be turned into a tyrannical dictatorship, from within. And I am completely dumbfounded, by how he’s doing this with the support of some of my fellow Americans.

Each day, the world grows darker in the shadow of Trump’s evil agendas. Eventually, I suppose there will be nothing left of what aspired to be, and could have been the greatest nation on Earth. SMH…....

MrGrimm888's avatar

I would add, that if Trump dawns military garb, he should lose all respect from our armed forces. It’s called “stolen valor.” It’s usually done by beggars, to get more money. When the homeless do this, they are practically lynched. We’ll see how the country responds, if this draft dodger plays dress up…

johnpowell's avatar

Someone should teach Trump a bit of history. If he learned the reasons behind Bastille Day he would probably shit his pants.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^He seems to have a tenuous grasp of what’s going on around him. History, isn’t very important to someone living in the moment. His accuracy in regards to even his own words is sometimes flawed. You’re asking too much from such a man….

gorillapaws's avatar

If he want’s to pay for it with his daddy’s money, I’m all for it. What a fucking looser.

flutherother's avatar

We don’t need it. America has the most powerful military in the world by a long way and there is no need to flaunt that in the face of the rest of the world.

canidmajor's avatar

@thisismyusername, not to this exact question, no.

thisismyusername's avatar

@canidmajor: ”@thisismyusername, not to this exact question, no.”

Really? This is very relevant.

I’m attempting to determine precisely what the objection is. Is it the cost, as some have mentioned above? Or is it the tacky display of militarism? What is it? Was cost a concern when the obscene military budget was approved?

If Trump is to be #Resisted, is it to be superficially, by rejecting his violation of accepted norms and manners? When “we” (our Republican and Democratic representatives) provided this “unique threat” with an obscene military budget, people shrugged. Meh. But he does something like a parade, and all of a sudden we have outrage. I’m just attempting to determine where we stand here.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I ,for one, never supported the increase. I didn’t see any jellies, that I recall. I think most of us just let it go, because we know that some of that money needs to be spent, to keep our roting nuclear weapons “safe”. An inconvenient fact.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I have mentioned before, that Trump claimed that he would decrease military spending, while campaigning. Another lie…

canidmajor's avatar

@thisismyusername: not to my immediate sentiments, it’s not. The Q is worded in a subjective fashion, specifically with the use of the word “sentiments”.
Your Q was well attended and discussed, this is someone else’s Q with different wording, so, I assume, with different intent.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It’s a great Idea. Glad to have a president show support.

MrGrimm888's avatar

“The objection? ” Isn’t it obvious? There are basically, no advantages of a military parade, in this context…

MrGrimm888's avatar

SQ. We’ll see whom is supported. I will try to reserve my most crucial judgement, until it happens.

I have grave concerns, that Trump will continue to prove my worst fears true…

Please investigate Trump’s draft status. He is NOT a supporter of the military. Not, if it means contributing… He is a coward. He now claims support, for those he would never stand with. His hypocrisy, is not lost on the informed. Wake up. America needs you…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

America needs YOU to stop being ignorant

MrGrimm888's avatar

What exactly am I ignorant about? What advantages, will a military parade provide? Will it scare our enemies? Will it raise morale, in our ranks?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@SergeantQueen Knows what is Right for All and if you disagree with Trumpo you are ignorant. : QED
Sieg Heil !

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yes I do. Thanks for acknowledging

thisismyusername's avatar

@canidmajor: “this is someone else’s Q with different wording, so, I assume, with different intent”

Fair enough.

My sentiments? A military parade is exactly what you’d expect from a white nationalist asshole. Is this meant to be another distraction from the fact that he’s involved – along with congress – in a massive redistribution of wealth from the poor to the uber-rich, destroying the climate and chances of future human life on earth, and bringing us closer to nuclear war? Maybe. I don’t think the military parade is meant for an international audience. I suspect it’s meant to cause more culture war distractions here, and to show us not to fuck with him.

So, no – I don’t support a military parade. But I am more concerned that we don’t have a legitimate resistance. Too much bipartisanship on things that matter (military, reauthorization of FISA Section 702 mass surveillance program, etc). If we place the blame exclusively on Trump, we’re in absolutely no position to stop this. Trump is the symptom of some serious problems. If we have goose-stepping troops parading around, we need to figure out how we allowed this to happen.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct! As I’ve been saying, Trump is just an idiot. The problem, is the 30% of our country, that put him where he is. Otherwise, he’d just be a raving idiot, on a soap box. Trump’s rise, is endemic of a much worse problem. America is almost ⅓ loser…

canidmajor's avatar

OK, @SergeantQueen, I’ll bite. How exactly is this a parade showing support for troops and not simply intended to be a grandiose display of military power?
You have mentioned a couple of times on a couple of threads that you believe he is supporting the troops. Here’s your chance to explain.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

to me it’s obvious. A military parade is a ceremony showcasing the strength of one’s troops. I find nothing wrong with that and I don’t think it’s a bad thing to show off how big our military is. May not be the best thing financially, which I agree with.
I get that you guys want to compare him to a communist/fascist/whatever leader because of what I said above that “It’s a way to show off how big our military is” and you would think “Why would we need to do that?” I think with the on going threat of North Korea it isn’t a bad thing to show that we aren’t messing around…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

If I am wrong about that, by all means tell me. I was wrong about the military supporting trump thing and I do understand and acknowledge that. I know I’ve said some harsh and extreme things but I am open to new ideas, though I don’t come off that way.

MrGrimm888's avatar

SQ doesn’t understand that this asshole would gladly send her to die, for just his ego. I do. And I don’t want that. Nobody should die, based on decisions from Trump. He is woefully unqualified, to even offer advice on international affairs, and has committed war on his own intelligence community. It is frighteningly obvious that Trump is in over his head, in almost every situation involving fact based decision making…

canidmajor's avatar

Ah, but @SergeantQueen, it doesn’t actually “support” or benefit the troops. It’s simply a show-off tactic. And you really limit your perception of us if you assume that we would support such a display from any president, whether or not we support them.

In this day and age, a parade would not display the “might” of our military. The USA has somewhere in the neighborhood of a million and a half active troops. Are they all to march to show just how strong we are?
I think you have little to no understanding of how all of this works.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yes. It’s like saying I support my girlfriend, for showing off her tits…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How is he sending people to die for his ego?
I plan on joining the military, and even though I am willing to do a lot for this country, I wouldn’t want it to be for some stupid reason. I’d want whatever I do to be meaningful and actually support this country.

I still don’t see what’s wrong with a parade. I think it’s harmless. Also, @canidmajor you say it’s a “show-off” tactic but then say it isn’t to display the might of the military… what’s it showing off then?

rojo's avatar

I do not think such action makes sense.

thisismyusername's avatar

@SergeantQueen: ” I think with the on going threat of North Korea it isn’t a bad thing to show that we aren’t messing around”

I know we’re getting a bit off topic here, but North Korea has nuclear weapons and threatens to use them because the U.S. has shown them that this is the only way to survive. It’s completely rational and reasonable. If North Korea didn’t have a nuclear weapons program, they would likely have found themselves the victim of US “regime change”.

In other words, NK is well aware of US military power. A parade would be redundant.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s quite simply, a sign of insecurity….

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Okay, yeah doesn’t make much sense to show off then. I’m not going to keep arguing or looking for reasons why it’s not a big deal. I think it’s fine to have a parade but I see your side and I understand it. If NK is aware of our powers which makes sense based on things we’ve done historically, not just to North Korea but other countries as well. I think everyone knows the powers/weaknesses we have. Then yeah, having a military parade based on what I said (showing our military strength) wouldn’t make sense

canidmajor's avatar

@SergeantQueen, I didn’t say that ” isn’t to display the might of the military…” I said that it ”...would not display the ‘might’ of our military…”.

I am glad you are seeing the difference in our arguments. Our history does, indeed, give a better overview of our military strength than any parade would.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I suppose the irony is lost on you that these kinds of military parades are what North Korea does. They’re purely to display the might and magnificence of Glorious Leader (and to placate/intimidate the people).

As for America showing it’s military power – we don’t need a ridiculous parade to do that. We do it every single day with 800 military bases around the world.

I find it amusing that people who fantasize about being in the military are gung-ho for this parade whereas people who actually are/were detest the idea.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Oh sorry I misread your comment @canidmajor and I’m not gung-ho about it @Darth_Algar. I just said that I don’t think it’s the worst idea in the world. I’m sure once I grow up and get more real work experience, my views will change. And I’m sure not everyone in the military is against it…

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I applaud your rational approach. I guess I should not be surprised. Good for you SQ…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Not sure if that was sarcasm, but I am sorry for throwing around insults and acting irrationally. That’s not how I try and approach things like this. I reject arguing things based on feelings and not facts and that’s kind of what I was doing.

rojo's avatar

Just a thought:

Maybe instead of a parade we could restore power to Puerto Rico and water to Flint.

MrGrimm888's avatar

SQ. No sarcasm. Respect.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Yeah, but those folks are mostly minorities, so they don’t count.

flutherother's avatar

They should organise a vast military parade every 14 June to celebrate Trump’s birthday

rojo's avatar

^^ or maybe to celebrate the day he signed up and entered military service.

filmfann's avatar

The United States shouldn’t display and celebrate its military strength. A parade like this should celebrate freedom and justice, so have groups of cops, judges, LGBT, BLM, dreamers, and others.
but no Nazi’s or Klansmen

rojo's avatar

” no Nazi’s or Klansmen” @filmfann but these are the very types that love parades the most! (well, not gay pride ones, true) but marching up and down and dressing up is a big thing for them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ha! I’m so glad that those same bone spurs, that kept him from serving, haven’t affected his golfing all these years later.~

thisismyusername's avatar

@canidmajor – Did you ever ask yourself why you felt the need to police my response to this thread? Self-reflection is a valuable tool!

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