Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Suppose someone said "Would you like to drive my Delorean"?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33707points) February 9th, 2018

Would you want to?

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7 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

“no, but I would love to put my plutonium into your flux capacitor”

Zaku's avatar

Sure, I’ve never been in one and would be curious.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I’d be too nervous to drive a vintage, 1970s car that’s someone else’s property. But, I’d most certainly ask for a ride.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I almost bought one in high school. Test drove it and what a P.O.S. This was before they were collectors items and it was just out of my $1500 budget. I ended up with a 1986 ford escort, even bigger P.O.S.

janbb's avatar

I’d be more likely to get into an old taxi-cab in Paris but sure, I’d take it for a spin.

Dutchess_III's avatar

At Rick’s family reunion one year his cousin, Tanna, asked if we wanted to take her $80,000 car for a test drive. Rick, the race care driver, kept demurring and saying “No.” OMG! Are you crazy man? I said, “Hell yeah!” and she tossed me the keys.
I got in, telling Rick he couldn’t come, but he did anyway.
Man, the power of that car was unreal. We got to a church down the road a ways and traded places. “SLOW DOWN RICK!!!” But he didn’t. He’s a RACE CAR DRIVER!!

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