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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do fast food resturaunts even have flat top grills anymore to fry their burgers on?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 9th, 2018

I was thinking back to my first job, in the 70’s, at Sonic. We cooked the burgers on grills. Whole potatoes were delivered and when it was time to make French fries we put the potatoes in some sort of rotating drum that had roughened sides. That was how we peeled the potatoes. They all still had some skin on them when we fried them.
We buttered our buns by holding them against a rotating rolling pin kind of thing. As it spun it picked melted butter up from a bin below it. Then we’d slap the buns on the grill too.

I know the restaurants have fryers, because I can see them, but now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t hear the sound of meat getting slapped on the grill, and the sizzle of it getting fried any more. Do they get them precooked now, and they just throw them in a microwave?

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18 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Every one I’ve seen did/does.

BellaB's avatar

Not sure where you’re going but every fast food place I go to uses flat tops.

edit: other than Harvey’s which has open grills

NomoreY_A's avatar

Think so. Hope so. Never thought about it much.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I started researching because I couldn’t help but notice that I never see anyone flipping burgers at, like, McDonalds. Turns out they have a double sided grill so there is no burger flipping. They cook up 2 hours worth at a time, then put them in a holding bin.
I haven’t been inside Wendy’s or Sonic in years to see how they’re made there.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Well you need to get your hungry on and go. They both beat hell out of Mackey Ds. Flipped or otherwise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think so.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Well there is a lot to be said for a Big Mac, but still. And don’t tell me you don’t like Dairy Queen. I won’t listen to such blasphemy!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh, we haven’t had a Dairy Queen here in years and years.

@NomoreY_A, with the exception of the Quarter Pounder, all of their burgers use the same patties. You can get a slimmed down Big Mac by ordering a single cheeseburger, and requesting shredded lettuce and sauce. It doesn’t cost any extra, because they don’t charge you for the lettuce and sauce so you get it for a buck. However, if you specifically order a Big Mac Junior (which is what I think it’s called) it’ll cost you $2 – something for the exact same thing.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Thanks Dutchess I’ll keep that in mind. Lately I’ve been going for their Home style burger. Pretty good.

BellaB's avatar

If I go to McD’s (rare event for sure) I ask for a cheeseburger dressed as a Big Mac with extra pickles. But generally speaking any other fast food place is a tastier option.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ew. I say “No pickles, extra onions.”

What does the home style burger consist of? Generally speaking I can’t eat much more than a regular small cheeseburger.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I think it’s lettuce mustard and tomatos. Add ketchup and anything else yourself. Pretty good, you should try one. Oh by the way, they don’t come with cheese. And I’m with you on pickles. I hate fast food joint pickles.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What size is the patty?

NomoreY_A's avatar

About the size of a single Qtr. Pounder.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Supposedly healthy too but I suspect that’s hype. Sure are good though. In the words of my favorite goofy pundit, Yogi Berra, “Grease don’t taste good, taste tastes good!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, if hamburger is healthy then it’s healthy. McDs buys beef from Australia because “According to McDonald’s, it cannot satisfy its need for lean beef by buying solely from American sources and has to turn to beef exporters outside the USA to make up the shortfall. It’s not a question of there not being enough beef in the USA; it’s a matter of the beef available for sale not meeting McDonald’s standards for leanness. American beef cattle are primarily grain-fed and produce fattier meat, while grass-fed cattle produce leaner beef.” Source

elbanditoroso's avatar

Five Guys uses a flat grill. So does Waffle House.

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