Social Question

NerdyKeith's avatar

Are you racist if you are not attracted to persons of a particular race?

Asked by NerdyKeith (5489points) February 9th, 2018

Hi everyone, its been a while. Hope all is well.

Anyways. I wanted to bring up this topic of attractions and non-attractions when it comes to race. Personally I’m attracted to men of all shapes and sizes… well a lot of sizes anyway. But I can’t help but feeling that this ideology that if a person is not attracted to racial group x or y, is going way to politically correct. It seems too social justice warrior’y to me.

If you are not attracted to a particular race due to not being in a particular surrounding, that doesn’t mean you are racist. It doesn’t mean you hate that person. No more than you would not hate someone for not being the gender you are attracted to your the physique you are actually attracted to.

So what do you think of this ideology of “if you are not attracted to all races, you are racist.”? To me it sounds ludicrous.

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20 Answers

Zaku's avatar

(Hi NK.)

You’re correct. No, attraction isn’t a choice, and people should not try to shame or condemn others for whom they’re attracted to or not.

Moreover, I think who we choose to be closed to romantic relationships with HAS to be allowed to be a free choice, or else the people shaming/condemning are just behaving atrociously and need to stop. Otherwise it’s like obliging people into unwanted romantic situations.

And I’d even say they don’t have to say why, and those choices could be based on racial biases, and that’s their business that should be invioably private. Everyone should always just be able to say “no thanks” or “no” with no comment.

On the other hand, going around declaring to people who didn’t ask that they aren’t attracted to X race in an offensive way is of course totally possible.

So please tell people who say that that they’re undermining tolerance by being ludicrously over-aggressive about it.

zenvelo's avatar

As Ridiculous as these:

If you are not attracted to all sizes, you are size-ist
If you are not attracted to all intellectual capabilities, you are IQ-ist
If you re not attracted to all ages, you are ageist

flutherother's avatar

I’m not attracted to races so much as to individuals and I can find beautiful individuals in every “race”.

kritiper's avatar

No. One would have to be attracted to all, all of the time and that’s not logical.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@kritiper Indeed, that would be highly illogical

KNOWITALL's avatar

I agree with all of the above. If someone decided not to date based on race, that seems racist. But the reverse is true in some cultures, too, like my old Vietnamese bf who said he had to marry in his race due to his familial requirements.

BellaB's avatar

@zenvelo – I’m pretty sure I’m IQist.

And non-humourist, and non-flirtist. And straightist. And blondeist.

I prefer smart, funny flirts with dark curly hair.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

You don’t get to pick who or what you are attracted to so it’s of no consequence politically That said I can’t think of any race that does not have at least a few examples of the opposite sex that I wouldn’t bang into next week.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Didn’t the OP post a similar question before? ...

Unofficial_Member's avatar

No. It’s the matter of preference.

LostInParadise's avatar

I think it is likely that racism plays a role in your thinking. I am not saying you are a racist, but I a lot of people have a preference for those of the same race. I have caught myself feeling that way. I am not proud of it, but it is at least helpful to be aware of my feelings.

janbb's avatar

Racism has to do with how you treat people and what you say about them; it has nothing to do with whether you are sexually attracted to them, just as not being sexist doesn’t mean you want to screw all women.

LostInParadise's avatar

Racism has to do with bias, conscious or subconscious.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I think that’s stupid. I don’t care about race. at all.
Choosing to be with someone not the same race as you doesn’t mean you hate your own race and choosing not to date someone a different race than you doesn’t mean you are racist.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

If you say, “I don’t date asians because I don’t that race as a whole” that’s racist

Strauss's avatar

@janbb …not being sexist doesn’t mean you want to screw all women.

but is it sexist if I want to all women?

janbb's avatar

@Strauss Might be tiring!

stanleybmanly's avatar

What a silly notion. It’s equivalent to assuming that since I don’t have a dog, I therefore dislike them.

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