Meta Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you have a pet peeve about anything on Fluther?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23597points) February 10th, 2018

Anything at all?
The format?
The mods?
The way it seems too take along time to repair a glitch?

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17 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I do with a user or two but not with Fluther itself.

I’m grateful for Ben keeping the site running. Fluther has been my one and only q&a going on ten years now. I’ll be sad when she’s gone but that’ll be the end of q&a’s for me. Nothing compares.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Having to type in a long account name to @ them.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Hopefully Fluther stays around for a while
The pet peeve I have is also kind of a good thing too. I like that the amount of users here is low, but I also don’t because it takes longer to get a question answered and sometimes activity is slow. I like that it is slow sometimes and that the user level is down because I feel that I can answer more question and not have it be like “wow! There are 500 questions asked in one day” Like, every one of my questions has been answered and I feel it’s because there never is a huge flood.

I also like that it’s small community because everyone kind of knows everyone in some way or another like a small town.

jonsblond's avatar

^I agree. Even when it was more active several years ago it wasn’t overwhelming. I like smaller crowds.

Kardamom's avatar

That too many people have been made to feel un-welcome, or have been driven off, because their oponions are different than other people’s opinions.

When I first joined this site in 2010, there were a lot more people, a lot more different perspectives, and a lot more discourse. Some of those people had wildly differing opinions than some of the others, but not only was it allowed, it was encouraged, and embraced.

Yes, there were heated debates, but they were intelligent, well thought out discussions (most of the time) and the Mods were very even handed, and didn’t do as much scolding, but they got rid of the trolls, and the spammers a lot more quickly.

Auggie is the person from this site who was the kindest, most professional person I’ve ever encountered on this site. I wish there were more people like her.

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MrGrimm888's avatar

When someone won’t just let something go…

imrainmaker's avatar

Nah…there isn’t anything annoying as such..just it takes a bit more time to load…that’s all I can say. Everything else is fantastic!!

LornaLove's avatar

I really miss Auggie she made the site more interpersonal I think the word is!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Just the fact that not all users are respectful. Like I would never say a vegan is dumb or that Obama was a retard, but it’s okay to bash others beliefs. That is my biggest peeve, I was raised to listen and try to learn, not shut people down. Also I hate dumb questions by teenagers ha!

LornaLove's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yes, healthy debate is fantastic, I am not sure if I am a good debater but would love that. It can be at times a ‘you’re an idiot’ stance. So I hear you, but it works both ways.

cookieman's avatar

I’d like to see some more activity. I like that Fluther is a small community, but lately it’s a bit too small.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cookie Agreed.

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 “Having to type in a long account name to @ them.” That’s one of the best things about Fluther is that ou don’t have to

MakeItSo1701's avatar

If you are on mobile you do. And it doesnt always pop up @flo

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I’ve always had to type it in. And I’m on the mobile site.

flo's avatar

Oh yeah I forgot about the mobile. That’s one of the things I don’t like about using mobile.

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